South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 3x14


South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 3x14

The good:

  •  Chelsea has such a cute room. And she tells off Glen for outing their relationship. 
  • Shawn telling Chelsea that she better not put Paris off for a guy. 

The ridiculous:
  • The camera shaking.
  • Okay, so Kyla goes from spoiled, and then in just a few episodes, she feels compassionate about helping the homeless? OKAY. 
  • Carmen comes back this episode. Dumb. Just dumb. Ridiculous.
  • The outfits that Ashley wears are just... 2005. 
  • Kyla.... inviting Carmen... in.... and inviting her to stay....
  • Uh, I don't know who crashed on that motorcycle. Aiden? 


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