South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 3x11


South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 3x11

The good:

  •  Aiden, Glen, and Glen's dad bonding time! Yeah, I don't care too much about it, but it's just so much better than listening to Kyla's track to being (in)famous.
  • Ashley is about to murder the one girl who flirts with Spencer. And it's beautiful. 
  • I'm so, so glad that we haven't forgotten Clay. If the show just stopped mentioning him, I would be so upset. 
The bad:
  • Every single thing about the 'famous' plotline. I can't deal with it. It's so boring and typical and I hate it. 
  • They returned to the home video recording style this episode. NOOOOOOO. 


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