Looking Up!


Looking Up!

No, this isn't about the Paramore song Looking Up but rather a nice, positive post about life in general. 

I'm sorry for the past two days of depressing depressed posts. Yeah, it's my fault, but let's just move on to this blog post. What? Are you angry at me for being sad and then writing this blog post like nothing ever happened? Perhaps some of The L Word will make you feel better.

(did that go over the twitter character limit)

Life can get bad, yes, but life can also remind you that there's a new crappy Lifetime movie that we're all going to be bitter about, yet still watch it anyways. Come on, we've all seen that one about the pregnancy pact. All overdramatic movies aside, life can also be amazing!
See, life feels like this a lot. This is my average week or two.

The thing I want to really put emphasis on is that you have to live for the good moments. You also have to live for the average and bad moments too, but you're allowed to prefer the good moments. The good moments start to look great when you've had a lot of bad moments!

And you deserve the good moments. You deserve to enjoy the good moments and have them often. You deserve the world! Too bad this wasn't a talk show, or else I would give you all the good moments in a box. Imagine Oprah handing you happy moments in a box while you're in her guest audience. That's what I want to do to all of you.

Every single one of you.

See, the thing about life is that it's a bumpy ride. Things do get better, yes, but you learn to deal with things in a different way as you mature. You see things in an entirely different way than you did just a few years ago, right? So I prefer to think of life as a roller coaster. A roller coaster that can be only a mere 5 mph, or 120 mph. 

It's tough to deal with that sometimes. It's tough to wake up at a 5 and quickly travel to a 25. But, after a long day, sometimes I just kick back and log on to my blogs and realize it's all worth it. This is what makes me happy. I can look up to that.

It's a fight, I know. But sometimes there's just one little thing that makes a day completely and utterly worth it. Even if it is just an ice cream or something. Especially if it is just an ice cream.

After all, ice cream is freaking fantastic. Especially mint chocolate chip ice cream. Yes, that was a reference to that Rebecca and Wes scene from HTGAWM. I love Wes. 

Wes is from Ohio. I was, uh, looking up for the day I could proudly say a character I don't hate is from Ohio. 


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