Be Your Own Hero


Be Your Own Hero

You know what I hate about most modern young adult stories? The fact that almost all of them end with some girl finding love and that's the be all, end all of it. What about relationship struggles? What about all those problems she had? So, you're telling me, the day you get a boyfriend, all of your family problems, mental illnesses, friend problems, and all the other chaos in your life just magically goes away?

Okay, I will admit that when I was struggling, I thought this too. But I would love to go back and tell myself that it's better to love yourself before anyone else, because you're going to be the person you're stuck with for the rest of your life.

So much of our lives are spent looking for the one when we're too young to really know who is the one, so we miss out on other stuff far more important than significant others. I mean, if you find someone you like and they like you back, date them, but don't think that will 'fix' you. You're not broken, you're just someone who has conflicts and needs to solve them in whatever manner seems fit.

..And I sound old. Oh well, I'm secretly one of those really old grandpas that screams at those meddling kids messing with my garden I take five hours on every single day. I mean, who didn't teach those kids better? It's ridiculous.

Anyways, you'll find someone. You'll find someone to be with, and they'll want to be with you, too. Just don't think that is the reason why you have a mental illness or things are going wrong in your life.

You're wonderful, and don't let not being in a relationship make you think otherwise.


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