Sense8 Pilot Review (or something like that)


Sense8 Pilot Review (or something like that)

I'm so upset. I found out some major spoilers about season 3 of OITNB (I cannot believe ______ would get together with someone new, and I also cannot believe _____ and _____ don't end up together. I'm a sad person, guys. I'm really sad. Fuck you, Tumblr) and I don't want to recap anymore of HTGAWM because there's this ache in my heart whenever I'm reminded that there's literally 100 and something more days of waiting to do for season 2. Shonda, I blame you.

So before I start this, I have to admit something. I don't like scifi stuff. I think that, with the exception of Star Trek, it's all kind of boring to me. However, I like representation. In fact, I only try to recap/talk about shows that are representative of different groups of people, because we should all feel like we are worthy of someone like us being on television. We all know that Netflix originals tend to have a good amount of representation in their shows. 

So there's this show called Sense8, and I decided to watch it because everyone on Tumblr literally won't shut up about it. Also, they won't shut up about Season 3 of Orange is the New Black, and consequently ended up spoiling literally every single part of the season for me. And yes, I do have Blacklist and I did blacklist just about everything I could. 

After eating a deviled egg (with shell pieces still intact- thank you store) and some ice cream, I'm ready to watch this shit. It's just a little bit more than an hour long, and thank God this isn't a recap, because you know my post recapping the pilot episode of HTGAWM? It would probably be longer than that. 

So, let's begin.

The way to best describe the plot was a summary I found written on IMDB:
  • Sense8 tells the story of eight strangers: Will (Smith), Riley (Middleton), Capheus (Ameen), Sun (Bae), Lito (Silvestre), Kala (Desai), Wolfgang (Riemelt), and Nomi (Clayton). Each individual is from a different culture and part of the world. In the aftermath of a tragic death they all experience through what they perceive as dreams or visions, they suddenly find themselves growing mentally and emotionally connected. While trying to figure how and why this connection happened and what it means, a mysterious man named Jonas tries to help the eight. Meanwhile, another stranger called Whispers attempts to hunt them down, using the same sensate power to gain full access to a sensate's mind (thoughts/sight) after looking into their eyes. Each episode reflects the views of the characters interacting with each other while delving deeper into their backgrounds and what sets them apart and brings them together with the others."
    Written by Soumik Ghosh

I haven't even gotten ten minutes into the show, and it gets a 10/10 for dramatic shit. I mean, seriously, they were playing dramatic music while going through all the characters, and then the blonde lady up there is seen everywhere by the characters (at least, that's what I got) before blonde lady (I believe her name is Angelica? Right?) shoots herself. 

All the different landscapes and cities that have been shot (According to the IMDB page, this show is shot in 9 different cities) are beautiful. I can tell that this is going to be a beautiful show, even if the writing isn't good. In the opening credits, there's many cultures being shown, gay couples eating ice cream, some elderly people that I'm pretty sure are lesbians, and plenty of countries across the world. There's even a sign that says kindness is sexy! I feel like I'm watching a nature documentary, to be frank. 

There's a lot of characters, so it's probably going to take you and me a few episodes to learn their names, but for the sake of this review, if I need to name anyone, I'm probably just going to IMDB it. 

Representation-wise, this show gets a 10/10. I mean, within the first twenty minutes, we have established that there are LGBT characters, female characters that are feminists, and people of different races. I'm so excited, guys. There are some NSFW scenes after the 20 minute mark, so uh, bewhere. See, that's the difference between doing a recap and a review-type of post. In recaps, we congratulate people for having sex. But in reviews and stuff, we warn people.

The show so far is very slow-paced, but it doesn't really get boring per say. It's a bit hard to follow at some times (or that may just be my opinion) and if I continue to watch, I'm going to have to remember where all these characters live. Which, for me, that will be difficult as shit. 

So far, I think most of the characters are likable. All the characters are interesting with diverse stories. I think Nomi is among my favorites, along with the one actor guy. I also like Nomi's girlfriend, which Google tells me is actually played by some girl from The Carrie Diaries and I didn't even notice. The drug dealer girl with the Hayley Williams haircut and friend/boyfriend/whatever who looks like Justin Timberlake is okay. I also like the girl pictured below, but I have no idea what her name is. 
There seems to be a few, "WTF?" scenes, but this is scifi. That's not entirely all of the, "WTF?" scenes, because there was a scene where a character was doing something extremely risky and just stops, which made it more risky. Sorry, I would love to describe exactly what it was, but I want to avoid spoilers. The kid scenes are super difficult to understand right now. 

The music, though? 2/10 because there's no IAMX. I'm joking, but seriously, the music is decent. 

Will I be watching more? Yes, but only because I'm so fucking confused. Okay, not entirely because of that. I actually kind of like some of the characters right now. It's slow and sometimes very hard to understand, but hopefully I'll pick back up on episode 2 and understand a little more and more each episode.

Should you watch? Depends entirely on what you like. I mean, I hate scifi, and actually found this interesting, so you might like it. If you like faster paced shows, I heard this one gets a little bit faster later on, but still, first impressions count! 

Anyways, I'm going to go take a nap and then pick back up on the next episode. Bye, friend!


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