Amazon Reviews Monday


Amazon Reviews Monday

Well, here's something new I would like to try out. I don't think I could possibly do it every single Monday, but every time I do publish one of these things, it'll be on a Monday. Does that make sense? I hope it does.

Today, our first two searches. I have picked out my lovely How To Get Away with Murder, and since these Amazon reviews have me thinking about gay relationships, let's go with Brokeback Mountain. Orange is The New Black is at the end. I don't really have many possible future Amazon Reviews Monday lineups, but if you have any suggestions, be sure to leave them down below, seriously. I'll love you forever and ever.

HTGAWM is obviously first.

Because the sex scenes between any other characters aren't any less revealing typically. Also, please don't watch any HBO shows.
If you got past the second episode, the third one was without a gay sex scene. Shocking. And for some, disappointing. 
The show is literally about murder. 
The show is literally about murder. 
The show is literally about murder.

Before I get on to Brokeback Mountain, I have a little story for you guys that actually reminds me of the first entry. Now, assuming you've seen the movie, you know what it's about. If you haven't, well, read the next few posts and you'll know exactly what it's about. 

This one kid I know has a grandfather obsessed with cowboy movies. So, he picked up this movie and started watching it. He didn't really quite get what was going on until the first sex scene. Then he started cussing and basically got extremely pissed off that he rented this and broke it out of sheer anger. Oh, old people. 
Plot twist: this was written by the grandpa
These are not real people (the poem)
Do.. do any of you happen to look up the plot of the movies you think about watching before you watch them, or is that just me?

And then, Orange is the New Black Season 1. 

So I guess she saw the shower scene and got the fuck out. 


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