


I haven't posted in the past few days, so I missed the little rainbow celebration for my country legalizing gay marriage. So, belated rainbows for everyone? I was just binge-watching Shameless US and writing my story.

But Shameless. I love it so much, except season 5. Personally, I would have been okay if the series had ended at 4x11. I love Mickey so much, though. He's my favorite out of all of them. Jimmy/Steve/Jack is my least favorite and I wish he would just go away. 

I might write a post about my thoughts about that show, but not now.

I know that we have a long way until everyone is considered equal, especially the trans part of the LGBT community, but I think same-sex marriage is pretty important. When married, you have rights that you should never be denied. I think everyone deserves the right to marry whoever they want at the end of the day.

I also want to say that for the people who lived in the USA, who have died in the fight for acceptance, I wish you were here to see everything that we've achieved.

It's so important to have the right to marry and the right to simply be. I hope that, for all the other countries who don't quite have that right yet, that they step up and give people those rights.

For everyone who thinks that the USA shouldn't have let this happen:

You are not edgy or special for posting about it on Facebook. The USA isn't run on Christian values. Now, since you probably didn't pass an 11th grade government course, Obama wasn't the one who decided this. Also, the standard, "If you don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married!"

And for all saying that marriages are doomed because of this, well............


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