


Hey Blogger!

So I need more television shows to watch. I've gotten to the stage where I'm rewatching shows. That's a bad sign. If you have any suggestions, comment down below.

I just want to let you know that I'm alright, and I hope you're alright, too.

I mean, I may be a bit emotional because we're getting a lot of HTGAWM stuff and Margot Robbie is all over my Tumblr dashboard, but really, I'm okay. Except for [insert name here] dying in Misfits UK. That was not okay. Also, Mickey Milkovich from Shameless US. That's not okay. Also, Dana Fairbanks in The L Word. Fuck that.

Just... Anyways.

Today I'm going to talk a little bit about people.

Think about the most three-dimensional character you've grown to know and love on television. It's probably Mickey from Shameless, but really, it doesn't matter who it is. All that matters is that you have someone in mind.

People are three-dimensional. We have a lot of shit we hide from others and suppress until a late night of confession time reveals it. I mean, I suppress things by watching television shows and posting about it on a blog on Mondays. You? You probably hide it by keeping tabs on the people who have done you wrong.

But you have things that make you laugh. You have things that make you angry. You have things that make you cry. You're allowed to feel all those things.

You're a person. You deserve as much respect as you give to others. You deserve to live a full and happy life. You deserve proper treatment no matter what your socioeconomic status is.

See, I don't like a lot of people. I think people say dumb things that they don't properly think about, especially online. I'm not afraid to admit that I disagree with a lot of people especially the ones who are making fun of others based on appearance will you just shut the fuck up you piece of shit  but I understand there's a lot of factors that made that person the way they are today.

Most of the things that made people the way they are today isn't stuff that they're going to tell you right off the bat.

It's like television. You have to reach the third season to get the dramatic backstory. Like Norma from OITNB. Sometimes, you may not even get the dramatic backstory with certain shows or people. 

So, sometimes, you just have to watch for signs. Other times, you just have to be nice. Sometimes, you don't even get any of that. People are so different and diverse that I really can't simplify them down to this post.

So, just be as respectful to others as they are to you. People all react differently to stuff. 

You can only control you. 

Don't be that person that adds to the dramatic backstory. Unless you're the person pulling them out of the dramatic backstory into an MS Paint rainbow-filled scene.

Just think about what you wouldn't want someone to say to you when you're sad, happy, angry.... I think you'll get far.


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