Guess what I've been watching?


Guess what I've been watching?

I have had a crappy day so please excuse any of my excess cursing and whatever else I might say in this post that might strike you the wrong way.

So sometimes when I'm between writing blog posts and doing college work, I actually watch YouTube let's plays. My favorite YouTuber is KPopp, because she's a lot different from the other YouTubers out there. I mean, she's not really girly and she isn't afraid to say some uncensored shit. Which is cool, you know?

So, naturally, when she uploaded Until Dawn gameplay I watched it.

I mean, I hate horror films for the same reasons I hate scifi ones. The characters are too predictable and similar. Which makes the plot incredibly predictable. And honestly, if I'm expecting to be scared, that's all I'm going to think about in the movie.

I think the thing I like about YouTube commentary is that it can make otherwise lackluster gameplay into a whole new thing enjoyable to watch. Like The Sims. Talented commentators can make the boring, average, everyday lives of their Sims into a whole new thing if they're good at it.

So guess who is in Until Dawn? No, not Hayden! And not Amanda from Shameless! I didn't even recognize Nichole Bloom until KPopp pointed it out. 

The person I liked the most at first was Josh. He just... he seemed interesting to me.

I've been on the Internet long enough not to be affected by the general stupidity of YouTube comments so I went to see what people were saying. Someone pointed out that the actor who portrayed/voiced Josh (Rami Malek) had a major role on a show called Mr Robot.

Now, as much as I hated that fucking title, I was willing to give it a chance. I mean, I've watched a hell of a lot of television. I hate some and I love some. I hated The Riches but loved Shameless. Hated Scandal but loved How to Get Away with Murder. You win some and you lose some.

I have to say that I absolutely love Mr Robot. It feels very raw to me. I love how talented Rami is in it. It's the kind of acting that gives you chills. It's a breathtaking experience to watch every scene and just watching this clip had me sold. It felt like I was watching the future expectations of all television series.

I'm about five episodes in and I know some major shit goes down. It's okay, I still watched every episode of HTGAWM even after knowing every detail of what happens. Things happen.

Plus, in Mr Robot, Elliot saved the dog! He saved Flipper! Hooray!

I even took some time to read what others were saying about it (sorry, I'm not a hacker or anything) and it seems like most of them agree that everything was researched well and executed well. So bonus points for accuracy!

Time to get back to watching it instead of, um, focusing on my precalc marks...


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