You're Not a Comedian


You're Not a Comedian

I'm not even sure what to title this blog post, because honestly, I don't want this trashbag's name anywhere on my blog. I didn't even know if I wanted to do this post, but after seeing some people on Tumblr's reactions, I knew I needed to say something.

I don't like to make posts talking about YouTubers. I barely watch many YouTubers (I watch about 10 on a constant basis) and I find most drama on there pointless.

I knew about this 'comedian' before this video, but I really didn't care about her too much. I never found her funny and the jumpcuts are so fucking annoying. I get it, she has boobs and says offensive shit. However, I find the last episode of Mr Rogers' Neighborhood more funny than any of her videos.

The first video I saw with her in it was Dear Instagram Models or whatever it was called. Basically, Nicole Arbour said that Instagram models that don't get paid for their work aren't real models. She made those standards, guys!

So since blonde girls can make standards for people, and I just dyed my roots blonde again, I get to make standards! You say you're a comedian, Nicole Arbour? I just decided you're not. Checkmate, bitch! Take that label off yourself right now, because you're not a comedian. You don't make me laugh, so you're not a comedian. In fact, I doubt you make anyone actually laugh.

Nicole Arbour, you're not an 'edgy' or 'funny' person for posting a video where you say, "OOOOHHH HAHA PEOPLE ARE ALREADY OFFENDED!" before you even begin your idiotic statement you probably had to edit for hours to get all those annoying jumpcuts in. I can't tell if I find you or the jumpcuts more annoying. I guess the only thing I'm happy about while watching your video is the fact I redyed the purple parts of my hair today so they stopped looking so pink so I don't accidentally have hair like your's.

And really, I'm not offended. But the point is that other people are and they feel like complete shit about themselves. I mean, as a comedian, are you supposed to make people feel like they aren't worthy of eating today?

I saw someone on my Tumblr say that her stupid fucking video with her stupid fucking face made them feel like they should never eat again.

And you know what? That scares me. It scares me that there are people not much younger than me- and even older- that haven't dealt with the things I've dealt with and are very impressionable people that would take this piece of shit's video to heart.

Making people who you think are fat feel like shit about their body isn't the way to make them lose weight. Your annoying fucking voice saying that we should all make fat people feel like shit about themselves until they go to the gym is literally what is wrong with the world.

"You got one body," You say in your video. I really don't know why I'm listening to your video, because honestly, most of your viewers probably just mute it and do inappropriate stuff I literally cannot mention in this post because of the children.  Nicole, guess what? You're actually right about something, but you're also a complete failure unless we take it out of context. We do have one body, so congrats on going to school long enough for that! Since we only have one body, shouldn't we love it enough to not think such abusive and cruel things about it?

I have friends of every shape and size these days and my friends that are plus-sized literally had no motivation to go to the gym and work out until they felt okay enough about their own body to go work out. Maybe when you feel confident enough to stop playing the "Guys I'm funny because I'm offensive" card (yes, I made a new card up) you might actually be funny enough for me to laugh at one day.

I can't believe people like this even make fucking money from their dumbass fucking videos.

Also, congrats on making a joke about gay people and glitter. Like I've never heard that one before. I didn't catch the black lady in church joke, but I feel like if I rewind your video to the part before it (where in about 20 seconds there will be about 5 million jumpcuts) I will have wasted my time.

I hope all plus-sized people have enough respect for themselves never to speak to a bitch like you. In fact, I hope all people kind of have enough respect for themselves never to speak to someone like this.

If you're so confident in your dumbass opinions, why do you have to turn off comments and delete them? Maybe it's because you can't take it.

You know what, Nicole Arbour? Fuck you and your stupid fucking Starbucks. I hope a plus-sized Instagram model spat in your coffee. You're not a comedian, because I said so.


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