Hits and Misses


Hits and Misses

On a scale of one to ten, my day has been a mild twelve in the OMG I HATE EVERYTHING category.

To summarize (lol like I can even summarize) I had to hear a long lecture about one of the most pointless things ever, basically told I was not good at said pointless thing, and after not focusing because I was extremely annoyed about being lectured about all things pointless, I dropped and shattered my iPod. I can still use it, but maybe I need to clarify that today just felt so pointless until then. Then I realized that I should have stayed at home watching Best of Gossip Girl scenes on YouTube, because at least I could look at Leighton Meester instead of looking at the people lecturing me about pointless things that nobody in the world cares about to the point they do.

So today I'd refer to as a hit and miss. Kind of like Shameless (US) season five.

I tried to make today a good day, I swear. I mean, I almost got to operate dangerous machinery!

But now I feel like complete crap, so I gotta vent on my blog while doing schoolwork. Actually, I'm lying, because I don't even have my book for said schoolwork.

I'm just annoyed with the whole entire planet and the only thing making me feel better is the fact How To Get Away With Murder comes back in nine days. All I need right now is Annalise Keating telling some bitches off. Also, I need the rest of the havoc caused by all the drama the other characters caused to play out.

Sometimes, I get asked why I like Connor and Oliver so much if I'm a lesbian. Because I've been doing gossip blogging on and off for a long time now, and I know a good dramatic gay ship when I see one. 
Also, yes, censorship of Connor shirtless is necessary. Protect da children!!!!!111

I think that sometimes, our whole entire life can seem like a big miss. That's why we take a bottle of water, our local fluffy orange cat, and wear some cozy pajamas that make us feel like we're in a fluffy version of Heaven on Earth and take a long fucking nap.

I probably need a book on how to deal with annoying people as of, like, yesterday.


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