South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 3x13


South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 3x13

Okay, remember Aiden's girlfriend obsessed with UCLA and broke up with him in the last episode? The actress who played her was also in The L Word. Guess who? Nicki Fucking Stevens. I am dead. Thanks for pointing this out, TV Tropes.

The good:

  • The episode starts off with Chelsea and Glen making out. You know, I was kind of expecting this, but I just didn't want to say anything because I felt like at the same time, it wouldn't happen. But it happened and it's great. Chelsea has made Glen into a good person.
  • Shawn is back! He brought flowers! 
  • Shawn, "I didn't know there was assigned seats." [dramatic music plays] I'M CRINGING AND LAUGHING
The ridiculous:
  • Unfortunately, Chelsea gets a call from Shawn. Oh... uh... fuck... 
  • The camerawork on this episode really, really sucks. Jesus fuck. It's not like we're watching an animal documentary. 
  • Glen is heartbroken she doesn't want more. 
  • Everything with Kyla and Aiden bores me. 
  • So people on this show didn't even think about the jumpcut thing with the Kyla video? God damn it, Shawn, you needed to stick around on this show. They needed you and your brains. 


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