Storylines that Annoy The Shit Out of Me Part One


Storylines that Annoy The Shit Out of Me Part One

Alright, so uh, coughing there's a lot of salty viewers/readers/researchers out there that talk about how plot A is bad because blah, blah, blah...

So I'm going to talk about my least favorite storylines, and what shows did them well enough I actually didn't hate it!

1. The Coming Out Storyline

There are three ways this can go, and all of them are equally fucking annoying.

  1. Cue the bisexual girl who experiences a girl crush for the first time. She and the much more experienced girl crush start to date. Bisexual girl feels pressured to come out because girl crush became girlfriend and girlfriend wants obviously bisexual girl to come out because love is love. Bisexual girl comes out and her mother is usually an asshole about it. Bisexual girl has to prove their sexuality. 
Reasons it's stupid: 
It is so overused. Any- and I repeat any- time there's a bisexual/lesbian teenage girl I know how her coming out story is going to go. But on the other hand, a series represented on this blog had this...
tbt to when the redhead became famous

Shows that did it right:
The ones who didn't use this. 
        2. Phasing out the gay character after the coming out storyline finishes. You do realize you can do the stereotypical 'rainbow phase' storyline after this, right? 
Reasons it's stupid: 
Come on. Do I need to spell everything out for you?
Shows that did it right:
Desperate Housewives. They had multiple other gay characters, so it wasn't as shitty. Unfortunately, they didn't phase out the one character who needed it most; I mean, I preferred Katherine over Susan any damn day! 

        3. Future hate crime victim. 
Reasons it's stupid: 
Telling closeted LGBT people that they're going to get beat up? What fun! 
Shows that did it right: 
Six Feet Under was the only one that felt genuine. Queer as Folk? No. 


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