About this Recent Mess of an Election....
Donald Trump, the man with a plan to build a huge fuckin' wall to keep out those darn Mexicans, was elected and you're either thinking that we're saved by the third coming of Christ or that 2016 is officially the worst year ever and we're doomed.
See, I've been trying to type up what I think for the past couple of days now. I've made fun of people on my Facebook feed who are acting like this man is the third coming of Christ and he's gonna save them from all the scary angry minorities! I've seen people scared for what this means to them as a person who isn't white, male, straight, or rich. I have tried to stay kind of neutral about this situation, but it's hard.
You know why it's hard? Because we have no idea what's going on. This guy flip-flops his opinions on situations more than a large bass out of water trying to flip back into the pond.
I'm also practically begging for Trump to stay alive through his presidency because the person who would take place is arguably way, way, way worse and I'm convinced that he somehow time-traveled from the 1500s.
See, I wasn't a fan of either candidate and I wasn't voting third party. Stein believes that WiFi is giving kids cancer. Johnson's response to climate change was that it didn't matter in the long run because eventually the sun is going to expand and the Earth's state won't matter by then.
Hilary Clinton praised Nancy Reagan for helping start the conversation on AIDS. Now, that is not what happened. In fact, that is the complete opposite of what happened and it kind of sickens me that someone would even suggest that.
But Trump? He wants to defund Planned Parenthood, an organization that does a lot more than abortion services. For example, my local PP doesn't even offer abortion services and I go to one of the most liberal colleges in the U.S.A. Instead, they offer pregnancy testing and services, HIV testing, women's and men's health care, and STD testing. If he dies- which is an incredibly likely thing given the fact he's 70 years old- Pence will take over. And even if Donald Trump sticks it out for four or eight years, Pence will still be there.
And contrary to popular belief, vice presidents actually do something. I mean, if these Joe Biden memes will tell you anything, the V.P. is actually pretty important. I mean, if you were a V.P. of anything you're going to put it on your resume, right? Unless your position was being the vice president of the chess club for jocks in middle school. That isn't that important.
The V.P. is the second-highest ranking official in the executive branch of the U.S. government. They are the first in line if something happens to the president, such as an unfortunate attack from liberal penguins who mistake Donald Trump for a large carp and with all that climate change going on those poor penguins decide that it's time to fight back. Also, the V.P. is the president of the United States Senate and only votes when a tie-breaker is needed.
See why I'm a bit worried about Mike Pence being vice president of the U.S.A.?
And just in case you only watch FOX News, here are some of Mike Pence's views on topics (since he's the one with more reliable records of what he doesn't support and does):
- He is very against LGBT+ rights and with his brilliant plan to take money from HIV research and instead put it in conversion therapy (which, just in case you're wondering, doesn't fucking work and I can't believe I had to type that and later on provide sources about how shocking someone will never make them straight) has stated he does not care about me or my friends. Or even my enemies who happen to be gay, or trans, or bi. I would never want someone to suffer through isolating loneliness in conversion therapy, or for them to suffer with the HIV virus. That is a very scary, upsetting thing to think about.
- Pence doesn't think smoking can kill you. While I don't want to be the extremist and say that the second you smoke a cigarette, you'll have a 105% chance of getting lung cancer (because that's not true) you'll have a much higher chance of contracting lung cancer than most.
- And on that note, if he really wanted to protect the unborn like the superhero he thinks he is, ten percent of pregnant women smoke according to the CDC. How about actually helping come up with a solution to this problem (affecting the unborn you care about so much) instead of reminiscing of the time period you came from?
- Pence, as someone who cares about the unborn so much yet say that smoking won't kill, it seems highly hypocritical to suggest that fetuses should be given a dignified burial. A pregnant person could smoke their fetus's life away after hearing smoking won't kill you. While me and you will never know how pregnant females feel when they miscarry, I know it is not my place to decide how they mourn.
- Pence is also an advocate of coal.
- Mike Pence voted no on prohibiting discrimination based on where you put your genitalia. Also voted yes for constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in 2004. Also believes 'traditional marriage laws will keep conservatives alive'.
- Was rated a 0% by the Human Rights Campaign. Nobody should get a 0% on anything. If you get a 0% on anything, you need to study. I feel like we should have learned that in elementary school.
There's a lot of stuff I'm not getting to, but here's the thing. While he may have a few things I agree with, such as his views on education, there are a lot of things that dehumanizes living, breathing, human beings. As someone who is gay, I know a lot of people who have considered me as lesser. While it's fun to laugh at them and make fun of them in petty Facebook statuses I make at 5 AM and they see and delete me, there's a lot of problems with the possibility of Pence actually having power to decide what kind of rights I deserve. End of.
I'm trying to see the positive. The positives are, "Hey, 70 isn't that old! I'm sure El Presidente will have the best access of healthcare ever! Plus, Trump flip-flops so much and he's been acting like he actually cares about the people! It's only four years."
But here's the thing:
A lot can happen in four years.
People can be born. People can die. People can get married. People can graduate from college. And frankly, what does it say that we have to think, "Oh, well, it's only four years we have to stick it out..." If that's how US politics work, then to put it simply, our entire system is fucked. While we do have a system of checks and balances, how is it going to work when the house and senate are controlled by republicans?
Let's go back to one of my points. People can die. While I don't think that Trump and Pence are going to come to my home and put me in conversion therapy so I can learn to love a man like only a man can I do think that there are multiple ways to suggest you don't give a fuck about others. See: Ronald Reagan. He only lasted eight years, but that's almost a decade of time!
Tell the thousands of gay men who died that Reagan was only going to be in office for four years. Tell them they could wait it out for their rights. Tell them that when they were on their death bed that Reagan's administration thought that what was happening to them was funny. Then go fuck yourself.
Reagan, despite what Clinton may tell you, did not handle the AIDS/HIV crisis gracefully. In the beginning, who did HIV/AIDS affect the most? Think about the stereotypes you heard in your abstinence-only sex education! If you guessed gay men, congratulations! Your abstinence-only sex education was better than mine was. See, we were shown a video of Pam Stenzel, A.K.A. the qwueen of slut shaming. Guess who started abstinence-only sex education? The fuckin' Reagan administration.
HIV/AIDS was first known as GRID. What do you think the G stood for? If you guessed Gay, you're correct. Gay-related immunity deficiency was the name. And I will never know firsthand the pain of watching all my friend groups die as an administration proceeds to laugh about it. I guess I'm just privileged in that sense. Or maybe a damn human being should never have to go through the loneliness of watching a human being they care for slowly wilt away while the government can make middle school jokes about it. If a government treats human beings that way, there is something wrong with the government.
That brings me on to the next thing.
I see a lot of hypocrisy going on from natives of my dumbass town. Calling Barack Obama a disgrace to America, but yet supporting a man who talks about grabbing women by the pussy (among other things that he's said) makes me want to take shots of bleach. Now I'm sure I will get the response, "Do it, you don't matter to the world anyways!" And to that, I gotta say fuck you and then laugh about the death threat.
But seriously, if we want to preach that family values are good for an election, why the hell did you support Trump? Barack Obama seems to have proven that you can be non-white, have an educated wife, support same-sex marriage, and still have a loving family. As someone in a family of Trump/Pence supporters, I know that's a hard thing to grasp and wrap around your heads. Michelle and Barack have not had any scandalous marriage problems while in office, and for that, I am grateful. Politicians shouldn't have any tabloid scandals like they're Paris Hilton back in 2006. That's why I don't exactly consider Bill Clinton as the best politician ever to step foot in the white house; there was more that happened there than I want to know.
Jealousy is a hell of a drug. I live in the Appalachian area. We're known for being white trash. We're known for being the kind of people who don't know how to put on a condom, the kind of people who have weddings in our backyards, and the kind of people who will say the worst of the worst to ethnic minorities. So to see a successful black woman achieve a level of education they never will (and their offspring never will) must be a bit odd to them. While I do not feel that way, I think that's why I've seen an increase in calling black people monkeys in the past few weeks. Just because you may have won, doesn't mean racism is now some okay event. Just because you elected the cheeto man doesn't mean you get to run your damn mouth and if y'all get punched in the mouth by some black person who knows their worth don't go crying on Facebook about it.
Also, as someone who is pretty openly secular about such topics, I may be a bit harsh when people say shit like this:
You're a fucking idiot. I don't even know how to be more polite about it. By your stupid fucking Bible quote, a five-year old boy knows more than a woman with a PhD in biochemistry. Just because he has a penis in his pants.
#JustChristianThings wishing for the fucking rapture every time there's something that happens that stirs up controversy.
And these things, among others, made me want to drink shots of bleach.
See, it's not even the fact that these people are religious. It's the fact they're religious, preach about how they're in the right for being respectful about the election results, and they're the same fucking idiots who complained about the supreme court ruling of same-sex marriage.
And there's the fact that I see shit like this:
and I'm like:
How the hell did we get quite possibly the two worst candidates in the U.S.A? I'd prefer voting for a bottle of glue over these two.
So as I was saying earlier, I've been trying to collect my thoughts about this election. While Trump seems to be hinting to the fact he's not complete Satan after he was elected, it's still scary to imagine that the American people chose to elect a man who has no prior political experience, with no clear knowledge of what he actually supports. Fuck, I'm pretty sure Trump doesn't even know what he supports himself.
Here's the thing:
Voting Republican doesn't make you racist. It doesn't make you sexist. I mean, why would we have the Blonde Republican Sex Kitten TV Trope if that was true!?!? It doesn't make you homophobic. But you know what it makes you if you eat this shit up from Trump/Pence without stopping to think about it?
Also probably an avid FOX News watcher.
So, while yes, Republican Reader, maybe those people who are sobbing their eyes out are overreacting because they think that V.P. Pence will force them to go through shock therapy so they'll learn to like vagina or penis. But can I ask how you felt about the same-sex marriage ruling? Also, how do you feel about Pence's controversial opinions about marijuana legalization? How do you feel about Pence's previous actions? How do you feel that Trump has no prior experience in politics and we just put him in the biggest political position in the country? How do you feel that Trump may very well have the power to elect more than just one or two supreme court justices?
Voting for Trump because you wanted to offend Tumblr users is just as stupid as voting for Clinton because you like her Nancy Reagan name drop.
And for those that are worried about this situation and want to make a joke out of it, donate to Planned Parenthood and The Trevor Project in Mike Pence's name or in your least favorite Facebook friend after this election. You know, with the money you have from working. Since a lot of Facebook newscasts that take form in a stupid fucker from high school has declared that democrats don't work. While also not having a job themselves. Because, why not?
We are a lot stronger than this. I'm a big believer in the Horseshoe theory. I think we're a lot more similar than we are different. So while there's a lot of fucking idiots who are on Facebook right now cheering about how they just offended all the Tumblr brats by voting for El Presidente Trump, there's just as many people who sit in the middle of this all and want it all to stop. That's why I think labels are stupid; plenty of people out there have both democrat and republican views on subjects. If we actually listened instead of screaming about Hell, God, sin, oppression, and all that other fun stuff I never want to talk about on a Sunday morning we'd learn that the idiots on both sides are our enemies.
Here's the thing:
Voting Republican doesn't make you racist. It doesn't make you sexist. I mean, why would we have the Blonde Republican Sex Kitten TV Trope if that was true!?!? It doesn't make you homophobic. But you know what it makes you if you eat this shit up from Trump/Pence without stopping to think about it?
Also probably an avid FOX News watcher.
So, while yes, Republican Reader, maybe those people who are sobbing their eyes out are overreacting because they think that V.P. Pence will force them to go through shock therapy so they'll learn to like vagina or penis. But can I ask how you felt about the same-sex marriage ruling? Also, how do you feel about Pence's controversial opinions about marijuana legalization? How do you feel about Pence's previous actions? How do you feel that Trump has no prior experience in politics and we just put him in the biggest political position in the country? How do you feel that Trump may very well have the power to elect more than just one or two supreme court justices?
Voting for Trump because you wanted to offend Tumblr users is just as stupid as voting for Clinton because you like her Nancy Reagan name drop.
And for those that are worried about this situation and want to make a joke out of it, donate to Planned Parenthood and The Trevor Project in Mike Pence's name or in your least favorite Facebook friend after this election. You know, with the money you have from working. Since a lot of Facebook newscasts that take form in a stupid fucker from high school has declared that democrats don't work. While also not having a job themselves. Because, why not?
We are a lot stronger than this. I'm a big believer in the Horseshoe theory. I think we're a lot more similar than we are different. So while there's a lot of fucking idiots who are on Facebook right now cheering about how they just offended all the Tumblr brats by voting for El Presidente Trump, there's just as many people who sit in the middle of this all and want it all to stop. That's why I think labels are stupid; plenty of people out there have both democrat and republican views on subjects. If we actually listened instead of screaming about Hell, God, sin, oppression, and all that other fun stuff I never want to talk about on a Sunday morning we'd learn that the idiots on both sides are our enemies.
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