South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 1x06
The Good:
- Spencer having morals.
- Spencer confessing to Ashley that she thinks she likes girls.
- Ashley's, "I need to process this," to Spencer. I'm laughing.
- The L Word was referenced this episode!!!!!! Yes, I am that much of a nerd!!!
- Ashley's "Are you into girls?" quiz.
- Madison seemed to have gotten a little bit more depth in her than the "Mean Queen-Bee" trope.
- Shawn not accepting Fuckboy Glen in his life. Good! You! Have! Standards!
The Bad:
- Spencer's mom. Get with the program! Your daughter likes a girl. So what?
- Ashley taking Spencer to go skip school. Okay, I get it, you're edgy. And you like women. As someone who also likes women, I say go the fuck to school! Please! Just 'cause you like girls doesn't mean you should skip school! GO!
- Glen trying to flirt with Madison during a lockdown at school. Please, go away. Get your shit together and go away.
- The whole school shooting plot this episode seems really, really forced imo. I mean, every plot seems a little forced on this show, but I don't know... it's a really, really, really sensitive subject for just about everyone, so it's a lot more noticeable this episode.
- The production of this show is awful. I know it aired in 2005, but every single episode you can see a mic in one of the shots.
The WTF?:
- Glen. His entire character is the WTF?
- The only non-fuckboy in this show is Clay. And the dad. I don't understand. Even minor characters are fuckboys.
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