South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 1x11


South of Nowhere RECAP/REVIEW: 1x11

The good:

  • The episode starts with Spencer touching Ashley's hair in the morning. How beautiful.
  • Rebellious!Spencer. Hell yeah, revolt against your parents and Glen!
  • Spencer's dad is the best. Please, go kick out your wife or some shit. I love you.
  • I also really like Chelsea.
  • I'm glad Shawn's cousin (right?) is okay. 
  • I'm glad that they actually spent the time developing the whole "I want to meet my birth mom" plot with Clay. Yeah, as heartbreaking and unexpected as it was, it was still good. Not everything is going to be a wish-fulfilling thing when you're watching or reading something. Just because it wasn't what you originally wanted doesn't mean it wasn't good.
The bad:
  • Ashley's mom. Why are moms on this show so awful?
  • Spencer's mom. Fucking moms!
  • Glen and Madison are probably going to get married. Which means awful Glen and Madison babies will populate the fictional world. Fuck y'all.


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