How to Get Away with Murder RECAP 2x11- "She Hates Us" (yes, she does..)
Last episode, shit happened. Most of it I couldn't screencapture because of a new screenshot program I don't know how to try.
Annalise had a baby in her arms. The baby wasn't real, though. Wes contemplated suicide. That's... That's pretty much all that I can remember. And I'm on a schedule this recap.
Annalise- She went back to work this episode. And just so you know, she was just as much of a badass ten years ago until now. Apparently, ten years ago, she was fighting to earn tenure. She was also working out a deal with Christophe's mother.
Annalise, if you want to slap around your interns, I totally would understand. I mean, I love the Keating Five and all, but dear God.
Sam- Yes, Sam was in this episode in a flashback ten years ago. Yes, he was actually kind of a decent person back then.
Asher- His immaturity might just get him murdered. By Oliver. Like I wouldn't be surprised if Oliver did a Frank. He also listened to Oliver, Connor, and Michaela talk shit about him. Oh god. Oh dear god. Asher is like that one really creepy kid who stabs kids after they exclude him from tag. Or at least, that's what he seems to have become.
Asher called Connor out on his nonsense, which turned into a therapy session. That's what the first post is about. I included it because I still don't have all this screenshot stuff sorted and it made me laugh.
Frank- I'm cackling at his hair in the flashback. He was always the type of guy to take Sam's side, apparently...
Bonnie- So Bonnie was one of Sam's clients. She also gave Annalise advice on how to deal with pregnancy pains. Was she pregnant at some point in time...?
Michaela- Caleb called her a whore this week. Oh my god, what the absolute fuck. God, go back to your Folgers commercial already. Oliver also was trying to pawn off Asher to her so she had a new boyfriend. Dear god, please, no. These options in men are all trash. Michaela only deserves the best now. Like, she deserves her prince charming who carries her off away from all this bullshit on his shoulders.
Michaela got called out for talking about how the client of the week deserves all the time he could get if Catherine got time. Annalise said that what she was saying had nothing to do about Catherine, but instead it was all about her feelings about Caleb.
Michaela quit and brought Connor with her to the 'Fuck Annalise' train. You'll both be back, you fools. By next episode, too.
Fuck it. I decided I am jumping on the Michaela and Laurel ship. She's the only person I trust enough to be careful with her heart.
i'll have a song for them next week, guys
Nate- Nate told Frank to leave him alone about Phillip or else he was going to tell Annalise.
He got Annalise comfort food though. Awwww...
Wes- Today, Wes was encouraged to go see a therapist. Then he said he wanted to shoot himself to the doctor. Yeah, Wes, I totally think that's the reasonable thing you say when you want to leave. Look, buddy, I get it. You want sleeping pills. But you need mental help after all the shooting and murder. He went to the mental ward.
Wes had a really depressing childhood, to nobody's surprise. He saw all of his mother's blood after she shot herself. The doctor told him that after Annalise got shot, he was triggered by this and remembered all the gory, unforgettable memories of his mother.
dean thomas goes through too much to function properly.png
Laurel- The saga of Wes and Laurel pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend to get through shady shit continues. Of course, the doctor checking on Wes said that Laurel was a bad girlfriend for thinking it wasn't that serious about suicide.
Then Laurel got fired for accusing Annalise of punishing Wes by leaving him in the ward. Being employed by Annalise would be pretty stressful. Not only are you fired for simply existing and saying one or two things, but you're probably also doing a bunch of illegal crap that is going to follow you years after law school.
Laurel told Frank that Flaurel is on the rocks because of all the shit he hasn't told her. Oh, boy. Don't start this. And then because Laurel started it (complete with tears) Frank blurts out that he was the one who killed Lila. FEELINGS, FRANK. DON'T HAVE THEM. UNLESS YOU WANNA GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT.
(we might as well relish the time we have until this song no longer applies to these two)
Connor- Other than talking shit about how he just hung out with Asher because he felt bad for him, not much really happened. Until the exact last second of the episode where Connor received a video over e-mail of Wes and the Accomplices sneaking around the Hapstall mansion after Annalise got shot. And the guy actually fucking was talking about this while in the kitchen while Asher and Oliver was right there. Uh, dude. Everyone needs to be more careful with your shady shit. Isn't this how you almost got caught last night.
Client of the Week- I hated this case. I like the cases where I actually care about the client. He shot a guy on purpose and then texted the guy's mom afterwards. His last words to her was the creepy guy's.
The mother was willing to forgive him. Uh. What. The. Fuck.
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