Love Yourself First, Friend
Ever met someone who you cared about a lot who chose others over you and didn't really even care that much about you? They decide things based off who matters most, and you're at the bottom? Crush decides to get back together with their ex-boyfriend in Australia or whatever country of your choosing when you've hinted at stuff for months? Best friend gets new best friend and replaces you? The kind of attractive person you've been getting together with for awhile now decide to get together with someone new?
I think, me and you, friend, we need to have a different approach to life. Maybe we should just sit down and watch our favorite shows (HTGAWM is my fave as of right now-
Let's choose ourselves over other people. It's not shallow or arrogant to love yourselves first. It's a rough road to go at times, I know, but it's a good road to take. We should place ourselves better on the scale of people who matter, because at the end of the day, who is the person we're stuck with at our final thoughts of the day? Who has been there for you since day 1?
Not hating yourself is the first step to recovery. Not hating yourself is the first step to any progress. Not hating yourself is the first step towards anything good in your life. I don't think you can be happy if you hate yourself.
So if hating yourself is so bad, why do we hate ourselves more than the people who choose to do bad things to us? Acceptance. Acceptance is all it boils down to. We want to be accepted. Half of our life goals- for most people, anyways- seems to revolve around being accepted by someone.
I feel like it's a dangerous cycle to take. Choosing other people over ourselves. If we learned to love ourselves more- I think that people leaving us and choosing other people or whatever people do because people are flawed- will impact us a lot less.
I started this blog after New Year's, and a lot of stuff has happened in my life, I suppose. I prefer not to talk about it here, but it's some stuff that does impact how I write this blog. I'm all for nice thoughts, but there's a time that you just have to let people go. Sometimes it's just better for us that way, and it's better not to beat yourselves up too much after it. It's just a part of life, I promise you, sad Internet friend.
It's much better to say, "You don't get to do this to me, because I am a human being and I deserve respect and love rather than betrayal and silent hatred," than it is to say, "I'm staying because I don't know what else to do." Life is a complex thing, so maybe this doesn't fall into anything you can do in your situation, but if you're going through anything I mentioned in the first paragraph, maybe you should consider it.
I've had to do this stuff several times now in life. I'm right there again. We'll get through this together, sad Internet friend.