Iced Coffee on an Autumn Day Where It's Too Cold to Drink It


Iced Coffee on an Autumn Day Where It's Too Cold to Drink It

I started watching The Guild  when I should probably be asleep. But hey! Screw sleep. I got through 2 entire seasons. 

Recently, it's been hard for me to write personal posts. It's because my life has been like that one game where you roll stuff back and forth rapidly. What is that called? I don't even know what that's called. Does it even have a name or is it just so universally considered so stupid it doesn't even get a name?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel great one day, and then another day, I want to come home and ball my eyes out over a bunch of nonexistent ice cream.

I have stuff sorted out in categories from bad to good in my life right now.

The bad stuff:

  1. I left my environmental science book on Thursday and now I cannot do my assignment.
  2. I am still a nervous wreck about 99.9% things on this Earth.
  3. I have to retake my ACT
  4. I have to study for my ACT. Doing this makes me have a breakdown that ends up with tears. Try to explain this to someone. They don't understand. I stop studying because nobody will fucking listen to me. 
  5. My chest hurts. Where I'm from, unless you're pregnant or someone you're related to is a nurse, good luck going to a doctor. And guess what I constantly think about? Not a good combination.
  6. That one feeling in the back of my mind where I realize I'm never going to be able to live that one (really fun to me) boring life, where all of the careers I want are careers that are financially stable careers that will pay enough money so that I'll have routine medical care I never got in my childhood due to the fact nobody in my life was financially stable. So that need for stability but need for having a job I don't totally fucking hate is a real need. 

The good stuff:

  1. There's a lot of time left before number 6 becomes a legit concern. Kinda. 
  2. I have a C in math analysis!
  3. I found a college that will accept my ACT score that will take my college credits I have. I mean, it's a second choice (or third... or fourth...) but it's still going to accept my credits. So that long weekend I spent drinking iced coffee doing a hundred Excel assignments wasn't totally pointless.
  4. I have stuff to recap every Thursday!
  5. It's cold out!

Yeah, more bad than good, I suppose. You know what? I've been running this blog for almost a year now, right? I haven't received any hate comments. If someone leaves a "go kys" comment, I won't be that surprised. I mean, I dealt with SJWs for way too long not to expect that shit.

Whatever. Sometimes life is that really great lemonade you got by squeezing the lemons your neighbor pelted at you. Take that, neighbor! Other times, life is like Sunny D. You know, crappy and a waste. But you're still going to drink it...

Since you listened to my past-midnight sorrows, feel free to listen to a song I've been enjoying. Or don't. I have pretty crappy taste in music anyways.

Bree was always my favorite housewife anyways.


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