How to Get Away With Murder RECAP: She's Dying 2x02


How to Get Away With Murder RECAP: She's Dying 2x02

Last episode of this absolute mess, we met this really gorgeous death row attorney named Eve who turned out to be Annalise's ex girlfriend. Eve and Annalise kissed a little and I screamed. Frank cloned everyone's computers so he gets to look at Wes Googling shit, Michaela searching for a guy who doesn't like men on, Connor most likely looking up gay porn so he can find new sex positions to try with Oliver, Laurel probably Googling Frank Delfino every 5 seconds to see if he has a criminal record, and he probably just cloned Asher's computer just for the hell of it. Connor wanted sex, but Oliver was all like, "But Connor......." and then Connor moved in and we learned that Oliver has a domesticity kink. I think. Oh yeah, and Bonnie killed Rebecca without even thinking twice about it. Michaela keeps texting Eggs 911 and left her purse where she shouldn't and I sighed. Also, Annalise gets shot two months in the future, and Wes apparently has something to do with it.

Did I forget about Asher being bombarded with questions and he accidentally slips up? Probably.

Predictions (that I'm probably completely wrong about) :

  • Annalise and Eve are going to kiss more this episode. Or, at least, I'm hoping. See, I went a whole season wanting Rebecca and Lila to kiss or Bonnie and Annalise. If I can't get either of those things, I want the next best thing.
  • Michaela's whole All the guys I'm attracted to are gay thing will get addressed this episode. 2 points to me if it's Frank or Connor.
  • Oliver will probably do something that will make me like him even more (Pete, if you kill off this nerdy IT guy, I will be pissed off until the end of time and hate everything. That is all) and probably hack into something.
  • Those two adopted twin parent killers, Caleb and Catherine, are most likely rubbing uglies together. Which is just creepy. See, I thought Catherine was cute until the painting thing. Then I realized that every girl I find attractive on this show has a horrible life. See: Rebecca. That is all. Don't talk to me about Rebecca.
  • Someone finds out about Rebecca. 
  • Annalise does something totally unprofessional to Wes and everyone screams, "DON'T BANG HIM ANNALISE!!!!!!!!!" but some of us scream, "YES YOU GO GIRL!" See, I'm in the middle. I think that Annalise probably needs to seduce Wes so he can experience the finer things in life, but at the same time, I feel like if any of the other Keating 5 know about her seducing him they'd leave bitchy reviews on (Michaela and Connor, most likely)
  • Laurel totally has experience in the whole murder department. It probably has something to do with her father. 
  • Someone gets laid this episode. 
We begin the episode at that creepy place Annalise gets shot at in the future. Michaela and Laurel are here. Michaela and Laurel are asking where Connor is. 

Connor appears to be near Annalise saying, "It's always your fault." 

Catherine (parent killer) and Caleb (other parent killer) are being investigated. Annalise busts in and informs the adopted kids that are totally banging that their aunt got killed. 

Wes is at his apartment. The landlord wants to know why Rebecca has gone MIA.

Annalise wants to get the charges for the parent killers thrown out. She also asks for Bonnie. They walk outside and Annalise says if she screws up on this, Bonnie will be the next dead body in the house. 

I bet there's a lot more dead bodies that's been in that house than we know of. 

Asher seems to like Bonnie being dominant. 

Connor asks Michaela if she got a dick pic in the house. Michaela says no. Asher walks back in and asks why people are threatening to murder each other and Connor announces Oliver is HIV positive. So Michaela said that she would kill him if he slept with him before prEP kicked in. Asher proves he knows nothing and basically I expect a bunch of anti-Asher posts on Tumblr. He says that if Connor sleeps with Oliver, he's going to die. 

Just.. I'll remember that there's a lot of people who are completely misinformed about it because they're not educated about it. I hope everyone else that says, "FUCK YOU ASHER GO DIE YOU PROBLEMATIC FUCKING POS I HATE YOU FUCKBOY!"

Eve and Annalise are talking in the car. They hold hands after Eve says, "I understand why everyone is having affairs." You know what? I always liked Annalise, but this relationship (or whatever) makes me see her in a whole different light. Annalise laughs for the first time in this series' history.

"You know, Annalise, if you wanted Sam gone, I could make him gone. Just say the word, and I would...."

Back in the courtroom, Eve denies being friends with Annalise. It leads into another yelling match in court and the other woman accuses Annalise of convincing Nate to kill Sam.

Bonnie is researching. Frank comes in and says it was smart to use a plastic bag. 

Annalise calls Frank and tells him that the DA knows that Annalise and Eve know each other.

At the parent killers house, Paris and Asher are saying sexual things to each other. I'm seriously scared for Asher's life. I mean, Paris/Bonnie didn't even cry when she killed Rebecca. But yet, she cries if she doesn't live up to Annalise's expectations. 

Annalise takes the stand in court. She gets questioned about Nate and Annalise's relationship. Eve is fighting with the DA. Annalise looks so, so, so done. She is about to get away with murder, y'all.

Connor is talking about how naked Nate talk made him horny. Michaela tells him to go screw Oliver already if it makes him shut up. God, I love this show. 

That one Levi guy we speculated he was going to hook up with Michaela asks to see a phone. Connor tries to offer it to him, and Michaela cuts him off and says that Connor has a boyfriend. Who is wonderful. I'm so happy. Michaela, please don't ever murder Oliver. Actually, nobody murder Oliver. He's too good for this world, but that doesn't mean you should kill him!

Connor tells Michaela that she should totally sit on Levi's face, and Michaela points out that he's in a courtroom so there's a chance Levi could be a criminal. Connor says that she doesn't have to take him to meet the parents, she just has to, well.... sit on his face!

Frank and Laurel are in the car and some woman walks by and says something about butter. All I can think about is that Gordon X Paula Dean dating simulator. I can't take anything seriously now. Laurel asks about it and Frank says that she couldn't handle it. Which proves my point. Or, uh, whatever. Listen, I only got a 21 on my English ACT. I'm no Ivy League genius here.

Laurel and Michaela are trying to figure out how to win the parent killer case. Connor and Asher are complaining. Wes offers to help with the case by being the puppy. Annalise thinks it's a brilliant idea! Better than the Bonnie idea. She'll kill Catherine without even blinking.

They found Caleb's DNA at the crime scene. Catherine starts freaking out. 

Bonnie questions Caleb. She makes up that she found out that he was caught on tape and Caleb says that he was framed.

On the stand, Annalise starts to yell and I'm so happy. She says that she didn't put her hand on the Bible to be burnt at the stake in this preliminary hearing. The DA points out that Annalise has quite a temper, so she is possible of murder. Uh..... Wes didn't have a temper. 

Bonnie and Frank, though? Totally. 

Anyways, TV law drama that doesn't transfer to what actually happens in court. I mean, am I right? Am I? I'm not a lawyer but I don't think they can reason like that.

Back at the house, Bonnie tells everyone to get their ass up because they want to get the DNA stuff thrown out.

Oliver comes to the office. Don't do it Oliver! Don't do it! Don't step foot in the house!

 Asher does something stupid and thinks that HIV=death. So Connor and Oliver go out and start yelling. Oliver says that he hasn't even told his parents yet, and there's things he's kept secret from Connor. Then Oliver gives Connor the keys to the apartment and tells him he doesn't have to use them so quickly. Damn, man, everyone got an upgrade on sass between the first and second season!

But what did Nerdy IT Guy do? What is he hiding? I want to knooooowwwww.

Annalise says that she thinks Nate killed her husband. Nate is obviously pissed off. Eve tells her to stop lying on the stand.

Eve is questioning Annalise on the stand. Eve says that she used Nate as a pawn. Annalise doesn't say a single word.
I'm just getting ready for the cliffhanger ending. 

Annalise is so pissed she went right to her office after being grilled by Eve. I'm relating to this because I've been this pissed all week.

So Michaela and Connor are at Oliver's apartment. Michaela wants to know if the police transferred DNA evidence to the crime scene to pin it on Caleb. Connor tries to say something, and Oliver tells him to keep his mouth shut. For practice.

"Both of our romantic/ex-romantic interests both kind of sucked, so let's bond over wine and tease our future boyfriends together!" 
Michaela and Oliver are new friendship goals. Just substitute the wine for orange juice with me. Yeah, I'm that much of a loser.

Michaela and Connor start talking about Levi. Connor said she should have went for it, and Oliver agrees. Oliver tells her that in his experience, she should go for it because you never know what could happen. He says that he never thought he would end up with a self-absorbed pretty boy. I laughed. 

Back at Annalise's office, Paris and Annalise are fighting. Paris is about to cry. Then she starts to cry. 
"I didn't get into Harvard, Rory!" 

In court, Annalise brings up the fact that they deleted the original test at the crime scene. This obviously helps them.

In Nate's case, Nate is free to go. They must go back to the drawing board because so much of the case was focused on Annalise's sex life. Annalise watches Nate and Eve hug. Bonnie/Paris gives Annalise the, "What are we going to do?" look. Or something. Right now, I'm not paying much attention to Paris/Bonnie. The Michaela and Oliver interaction is all I'm thinking about. 

Also, I got one of my predictions right! The 'Michaela likes gay guys' got said! Although Oliver did bring up that Aiden (aka IRRELEVANT now that Levi is probably going to let her sit on his face next episode) could have been bisexual. Or something. I don't remember clearly.  

Connor is back at Oliver's apartment. Oliver is chopping up vegetables. Connor asks about how he got HIV. Oliver says that he got so drunk he had sex with someone he barely knew after Connor had sex with Paxton because he was so depressed. So Connor blames himself for what happened.

And.. I accidentally erased the picture of that scene. I'm sorry. Just try to imagine angry Oliver and Connor blaming himself here.

Annalise and Eve are talking. Annalise is eating as they discuss. Eve says that she can't run away from this. Annalise wants to know why she had to pin it on her. Eve is crying and Annalise says it was good and real with her. So she got scared and left her. Annalise says that Eve was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to her. 

Eve has hair goals this episode though, I swear. I'm disappointed I didn't get many screenshots of her this episode. 

Laurel comes by Frank's place seductively. Frank starts to seduce her. Then he turns her down and says that she has to get to know him. Like she had to get to know him the other times they had sex.  Hey, maybe he thinks that he wants to make love now! Maybe it's more than just sex. 

Maybe he should start to help her get to know him by telling her that he cloned all of their computers? Damn, that's kind of important.

Eve and Annalise start to have sex. At least someone is getting laid tonight. Although the hand holding thing was kind of dumb. I mean, really? Insert the obligatory, "As a lesbian..." statement here.  

Michaela and Levi are at a bar playing pool. You know what? I kind of like them together. Kind of. I'm not sure. I just want Michaela to be happy. 

Asher and the DA are talking. He says Quotable Line of the Night: 
"Bye Felicia. That's another way to say suck it!"

 Sometimes, I really love Asher. You know, when he's not running his mouth. The DA is working on the parent killers case. 

The morning after they had sex, Eve wants Annalise to think about going to New York with her. Nate watches them kiss and kind of gives the, "Only in my life could this ever..." look. I feel you, Nate, your life is rough as a fictional character.

In the future, the DA and Annalise both got shot. The DA is dead, though. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Wes, Connor, Michaela, and Laurel all decide to leave Annalise there to die. You ungrateful fuckers. At least Connor tried to help. Really? Really?  Wes, are you fucking serious? I'm blaming you! 

Predictions I was totally right about (or wrong about): 

  • Annalise and Eve totally kissed. And more. They had sex. 
  • 2 points to me! Connor totally brought up the Michaela and gay men thing. 
  • I like how this episode showed a different side of Oliver. I think this episode made him more complex. Also, score for him because he says the word bisexual. Don't hurt Oliver!
  • Still no sign that the parent killers are having sex in their big ol' mansion. In fact, it was kind of hinted at that Wes might be thinking about Catherine. Damn, Wes, really? Why am I attracted to all of your possible romantic interests? 
  • Frank figured out that Bonnie killed Rebecca. He didn't really find out, he just put two and two together.
  • Annalise didn't do anything inappropriate this episode. It'll come, I swear. 
  • We didn't learn much about Laurel other than the fact she got an A on one of her exams or something. I swear, it'll come, too.
  • Yeah, someone totally got laid this episode. Fun! Although I'm taking a point off of that because Annalise and Eve did the lame holding hands shit. 
Next episode, expect a lot of sex. 


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