Tired Blog Post


Tired Blog Post

Hi friend!
Just wanted to tell you that you are a valid human being on this planet and you have a purpose.
Anyways, after walking my dog to the park like three times today, I'm pretty exhausted. But, blogging! I gotta do it, even when watching YouTube videos or crying over HTGAWM.
This scene all broke us. You are lying if you didn't feel some sort of emotion about this.

I want to talk about how you, friend, need to become comfortable in your own skin. You are not a number, you are not your partner, but you are the things you feel. We only have feelings and our body, so why not use them in a good way? 

You are a bunch of feelings inside a beautiful body who keeps your feelings alive. You express yourself through a bunch of blog posts and hide some of your feelings because some of them are too fragile to let out of our mouths and our fingers. You feel as if you're not good enough to be considered a gorgeous person, because a few of your feelings feel as if you're not good enough. Don't listen to those ones, dear. 

I can't be your thoughts. The only thing I can do is type, "You are worth more than who wants to sleep with you, or who says you're attractive. You are your feelings and your memories. Nobody can take that away from you. They can do whatever to you, but you always have that until the end."
I can also tell you that I love you, but that doesn't mean that much. I get it, you have your battles that made you feel so badly about yourself. You are certain those experiences define you to this very point in your life. You might even be fighting those battles.

I understand that it's a new struggle to take back and reclaim yourself from the awful stuff you've been through. Feeling used up and waiting for someone else to tell us we did good on this planet today is a feeling of acceptance, but sometimes we need it. Why? Because acceptance from ourselves is hard.

It's rough being torn down for years and years by little things to only come to the revolution you should have treated yourself better. Hey, it's like most guys and their ex-girlfriends! 

I have had anxiety attacks at the most silliest of places, and I have spent days crying in bed before, not feeling like I could amount to anything. I got obsessed with HTGAWM and The Sims and I really don't know if I can like anything as much as I like those things. I also ruin every possible relationship I can because I'm never honest enough about my feelings and I lose too many people. So I go back to crying over silly things. I think I did it again, actually. Hi. 

And I don't know if I accept it, yet, but at least I can be honest about it. 

Your body is fine. Whatever you're going through or stressing out about right now, eventually it's going to be fine. You have valid reasons to be stressed out by those things. And someone cares. 

Someone really cares. Let that person be you, one day. Please.

Like Connor cares about who Oliver is dating. Okay, maybe not that kind of caring. Maybe. 
This is my mobile header on Tumblr. I'm a little obsessed.