How To Get Away With Murder RECAP 2x04- Skanks Get Shanked
Last episode, a few things happened:
- We find out that Nate calls Annalise the night she gets shot. Nate makes Wes, Connor, Michaela, and Laurel get into the car when he comes by.
- Rebecca is Eggs. Levi thinks she's dead because she was talking about how bad things were. Wes and Levi kind of formed an alliance.
- Michaela and Levi are kind of cute (better than IRRELEVANT and Michaela) but it sucks because he's using her to figure out where his foster sister is.
- There's something really, really bad about Asher. He's covering something up about a girl named Tiffany and he had his dad help him with it. So that one episode where we all sympathized with him after his dad kicked him out of the family? Means nothing. Dead to me.
- Speaking of Asher, Bonnie and him broke up.
- Also, Asher worked with Emily St Clair or Sinclair or whatever.
- Oh yeah, Nate and Wes are teaming up against Annalise.
Predictions (that I'm probably totally wrong about):
- Bonnie. This should be the episode with her flashback, right? Maybe she came from a religious cult or an abusive relationship or family. I think Sam has something to do with it. Hear me out, okay? Sam was a therapist. Maybe he heard her story and felt like he had to do something. But Annalise was the hand that pulled her up from the darkness, so that's why Bonnie thinks it's all due to Annalise. Maybe Bonnie doesn't know that Sam had more to do with it, but Annalise thinks she does. Also, perhaps Bonnie actually killed someone in her past. She was talking to Rebecca about killing girls, and Rebecca said she herself didn't kill any girls, but maybe Bonnie was not referring to Rebecca. Maybe she was really referring to herself.
- Asher's a frat boy at heart. I think I know where this is going. Tiffany could have been a girl at some lame party who died there. His dad covered it up. Emily knows about it.
- Wes is probably going to continue being lame. Sorry, I kind of hate him. It's... I can't help it this season.
- You know what? I'm going to guess what happened on the night Emily died/Annalise got shot. So you know how Nate calls her? Maybe that's just to establish an alibi, because he knows exactly what happened but wants to make it look like he's innocent. There's got to be a reason Wes and Nate have teamed up together that leads to this happening in the future. The whole thing that's ?????? about this theory is why Michaela, Laurel, and Connor would be involved, but I feel as if Wes doesn't really need them anymore so he's totally okay with going to prison and taking the others down with him. Did that show a bit of my hatred for Wes? Okay, moving on.
- Still, what's Eve got to do with any of this? There's got to be more to her character than just Jean Grey kissing Amanda Walker (as nice as that is- it's still not enough to make her a fully developed character) and I want to knowwwww. She has to have something to do with Murder/Shooting Night.
- Emily was murdered by the same person who killed Catherine and Caleb's aunt. Don't think I'm crazy, okay?! Listen, there was a reason the aunt got murdered. Maybe she was too much proof against them. And Emily was also too much proof against them. So how do you delete proof?
- Who is going to sleep with who this episode? Hm, I don't think it'll be Connor and Oliver. I feel like Connor is probably reading The Velvet Rage while trying to figure out why being in love makes him feel so insecure. I feel like the writers really, really, really, really like the sexual tension between Laurel and Frank, so it'll last a few more episodes. Probably before the whole midseason finale. Annalise and Wes is a possibility.... Maybe Eve will come back and save us from that torture. I really don't want to see that shit. That means I might actually have to like Wes this season if he sleeps with Annalise. Michaela and Levi would be the best option.
At the flashforward, ambulances are there people are trying to revive Annalise. The students are looking guilty as hell in the car. Which they rightfully should feel a little fucking guilty- after all, Annalise tried her best to defend them after Wes murdered her husband.
The students and Nate are listening to the police radio. Michaela gets a phone call and they argue over answering it. Michaela answers it in a really cheerful tone saying everything is fine.
4 weeks earlier, Annalise is in the bath and gets a phone call from Nate. Jeez, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who leaves my expensive phone on the side of the bath. I'm glad this show makes me feel more confident about my decisions in life.
Nia (Nate's dying wife) calls Annalise.
Annalise goes to the hospital to see her side bae's dying wife.
Nia is pretty understanding. If I was dying, I'd be pissed if my wife was spending all this time with someone else.
Nia does what alt!Chloe does in episode 4 and asks for Annalise to kill her.
Speaking of Life is Strange spoilers, the case this week has a girl named Rachel involved. And guess what? Rachel got fucking murdered.
Sometimes, you can't escape the crazy of fictional worlds.
Rachel started talking to Molly or Megan's boyfriend and they took her into the woods. I don't.. what kind of horror film shit is this?
So, basically, Molly and Megan involved Zoey in this bullshit.
In the woods, Rachel got stabbed 52 times.
Michaela and Laurel are being judgmental to all the girls in this case. Which is the same thing I want to do. Connor tells them to stop Mean Girling and he starts to complain about Annalise.
Wes says the Keating 5 is like a mob, so you can't get out of it when Michaela suggests to quit.
There's only three people working the case, because Asher didn't show up, and Michaela has to prep Caleb and Catherine for trial.
Annalise talks to Michaela, which is all I ever really wanted (which is a lie- I want a lot of shit from this show. But one of my priority wants is Michaela and Annalise to actually interact. My top priority is none of the characters I like dying)
Annalise calls her smart, and Michaela says thank- and then Annalise interrupts her to say that she has boobs, which are obviously tempting to any guy screwing his adopted sister.
notice me senpai
Bonnie calls Asher to see what's up with his mess, and Asher pretends to be sick. Since tonight is Mean Girls night, Bonnie bascally says, "Boo, you whore!" and hangs up.
Asher's dad is there to protect him and make a deal. You know what? I don't like this.
Michaela calls Levi. Levi is in Wes's apartment, looking at the scratches and wondering what kind of crazy rabbit sex Wes had for those marks to be there. Levi, honey, that's not what happened.
Okay, I'm just making shit up now. He's too focused on talking dirty to Michaela.
Michaela says, "SPANK ME DADDY" to him loudly. Caleb comes up behind her and asks if she's really a lawyer.
Annalise is too busy thinking about Nia's request to focus in the courtroom. Nia pressures her to kill her, again and again. Annalise tries to tell her no. Nia continues to beg. She says Annalise owes her this.
Annalise wasn't focusing in court and everyone notices it.
Annalise says to Frank that she needs help.. oh no. He's going to kill Nia, isn't he?
Levi calls to insult Wes's apartment, and Wes says that he can't insult the apartment when he sleeps in a car.
Levi wants to get involved in the Nate x Wes alliance so bad.
Laurel found out that the doctor gave the wrong diagnoses to another client before. They use this in court to make Zoey seem innocent.
Connor isn't impressed.
Laurel tries being the jelly to the peanut butter and bread sandwich and soothe out the whole uprising against Annalise.
Molly and Megan call Zoey a slut. Connor helps out and says that he knows what it's like to have people get inside people's heads.
Wes goes to the hospital with Nate. Nate says he can't be here.
Frank made three calls the night Rebecca disappeared. One of them was to a girl called Sabrina. Was this the one girl who he had a long distance relationship with?
Wes tells Levi, and Levi says something that Connor has said before. "I'll be good."
Michaela is prepping Caleb. Caleb says his story, and how he was a 6 year old that was adopted when everyone else wanted to adopt little white babies. And now everyone thinks he killed his parents because he looks different from them. Michaela says he's playing the victim, and Caleb says she's being bitchy.
Caleb says she doesn't know how it is, and Michaela drops the truth bomb and says that she was adopted to people she couldn't relate to.
Caleb says it's bull, because she was never accused of murder.
Catherine walks in and asks if everything is okay.
Back in court, we learn that Molly takes the stand tomorrow.
Bonbon (not my chosen nickname) calls Asher. Asher's dad is trying to prove that Annalise is a criminal.
Bonnie wants to know if she can get Frank's person to trace Asher's phone calls. Frank says no, until Bonnie brings up that Laurel said some stuff about Frank over drinks the other day. Really, nobody ever grows up. We're all worried about the people we're having sex with's opinions on us.
Laurel is talking in Spanish, and I can't understand any of it because I got a D in Spanish 2. No hate, I just don't understand it.
Michaela says that she doesn't think Caleb is screwing his sister. After they talk about relationship drama, Wes figures out Levi and Michaela are still talking.
Wes tells Levi to gtfo.
Laurel stole Zoey's phone. She goes to Frank. Hidden apps on Zoey's phone reveals a video that they're using to plan to stab people. I'm just... I'm so done with these girls. Fuck this case.
This season, it seems like none of Annalise's clients have any morals whatsoever.
Connor is pissed that they're going to bury the video.
Annalise tells Connor to stop being so sensitive. It's still.. really fucked up??? What the fuck.
Frank got pills for Annalise.
Catherine asks Michaela has a crush on Caleb. Which is weird.
Molly says she felt bullied by Zoey. Zoey and Molly exchange, "u crazy bitch i hate you" after Molly says she has before. The videos are put into evidence and Annalise hates her life once again.
Nate comes to see Annalise after Zoey's parents complain that she sucks. Nate asks why she was talking to Nia.
Nia continues to beg for death. Annalise is conflicted. She says she's not going to promise anything.
Annalise tells Nate that Nia is worried about him, instead of, well, you know, her wanting Annalise to actually kill her.
Annalise is watching the videos. In the video, the crazy bitches say, "Skanks get shanked". In the course of 2 minutes, this is replayed multipe times. It's kind of like the new, "He did things to my ass that made my eyes water" now.
Annalise argues in court that Zoey liked to do whatever Molly did. Because she was afraid of her.
Man, this is a bunch of clique-ish drama bullshit. I'm glad I was never popular in high school or middle school. Or grade school. Even in preschool, bitches were hating on me.
Zoey gets arrested after bitching Molly out in court and says her plans on killing her.
Connor slipped the video. Which means Connor is probably going to get murdered. Which sucks, because I love Connor.
Connor starts talking about his emotional stress. Annalise starts to talk about Connor's car. She helped destroy it so they wouldn't get caught. Annalise tells him not to fuck with her or any of her cases again.
Michaela comes in before her newfound friend Connor (as of season 2) gets murdered by his boss. Michaela says Catherine is a virgin. Annalise says, "Finally, something we can use."
Catherine agrees to use it in court to throw out the incest rumors. You can still be kissing your brother! Doesn't make it any better!
Michaela is staring at Caleb. Annalise tells her to use her boobs, not her heart. Annalise also puts her arms around Michaela. Awwwwwwww. Please don't kill Connor and I'll be okay. If you kill Connor, this Michaela and Annalise stuff means nothing to me. And don't kill Michaela! I'll give you Asher, Annalise.
Wes and Levi are talking in the car together. Frank needed help disposing the body. Wes goes to the cemetery where Rebecca was buried. One of Frank's friends works there.
Annalise takes the pills out of her pocket and puts them back in. She's back in the hospital, where Nia is reading.
Annalise reveals that she thinks about killing herself a lot to Nia. She says that if she doesn't deserve to die, Nia certainly doesn't. She says that life is about feeling alone in the pain.
Nia thought she would do it, because she killed before.
Annalise says she's not the woman she thinks she was, and then leaves.
Back to the Holy Trinity of Bitches I Don't Like, Emily Sinclair (or St Clair), Asher, and Asher's dad are talking about signing a deal. Asher looks like he's upset. Asher hugs his dad.
I don't know what music they're playing during this mess, but it's not IAMX. Which disappoints me.
Bonnie finds him and asks why Asher is doing this. Asher thinks that Annalise actually got Nate to murder Sam. Silly Asher! If Nate did murder someone, he wouldn't have that Flat Character Tv Trope under his name on HTGAWM'S TV tropes page.
Bonnie says that he's wrong. She says that she killed Sam. Asher just goes, "what."
Wes knows where Rebecca's body is. Wes tells Nate.
Annalise sees Nate and Wes talking outside of the hospital. Honestly, what the fuck is this mess?
In the flashforward, the students are pitying their lives. Nate says it's going to be okay. Michaela has to do something. Wow, what character development. Michaela learned how to function during a horrible crime.
Michaela goes into an apartment. Apartment 34. There's a guy there. Caleb. Caleb asks how is she. Who the fuck is she?!?! Catherine??!??!?! Annalise??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?
The students and Nate are listening to the police radio. Michaela gets a phone call and they argue over answering it. Michaela answers it in a really cheerful tone saying everything is fine.
4 weeks earlier, Annalise is in the bath and gets a phone call from Nate. Jeez, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who leaves my expensive phone on the side of the bath. I'm glad this show makes me feel more confident about my decisions in life.
Nia (Nate's dying wife) calls Annalise.
Annalise goes to the hospital to see her side bae's dying wife.
Nia is pretty understanding. If I was dying, I'd be pissed if my wife was spending all this time with someone else.
Speaking of Life is Strange spoilers, the case this week has a girl named Rachel involved. And guess what? Rachel got fucking murdered.
Rachel started talking to Molly or Megan's boyfriend and they took her into the woods. I don't.. what kind of horror film shit is this?
So, basically, Molly and Megan involved Zoey in this bullshit.
this is zoey. she looks so innocent. she's probably not.
In the woods, Rachel got stabbed 52 times.
Michaela and Laurel are being judgmental to all the girls in this case. Which is the same thing I want to do. Connor tells them to stop Mean Girling and he starts to complain about Annalise.
Wes says the Keating 5 is like a mob, so you can't get out of it when Michaela suggests to quit.
There's only three people working the case, because Asher didn't show up, and Michaela has to prep Caleb and Catherine for trial.
Annalise talks to Michaela, which is all I ever really wanted (which is a lie- I want a lot of shit from this show. But one of my priority wants is Michaela and Annalise to actually interact. My top priority is none of the characters I like dying)
Annalise calls her smart, and Michaela says thank- and then Annalise interrupts her to say that she has boobs, which are obviously tempting to any guy screwing his adopted sister.
Bonnie calls Asher to see what's up with his mess, and Asher pretends to be sick. Since tonight is Mean Girls night, Bonnie bascally says, "Boo, you whore!" and hangs up.
Asher's dad is there to protect him and make a deal. You know what? I don't like this.
Michaela calls Levi. Levi is in Wes's apartment, looking at the scratches and wondering what kind of crazy rabbit sex Wes had for those marks to be there. Levi, honey, that's not what happened.
Okay, I'm just making shit up now. He's too focused on talking dirty to Michaela.
"talk dirty to me at work michaela haha i'm the new fuckboy of htgawm"
Michaela says, "SPANK ME DADDY" to him loudly. Caleb comes up behind her and asks if she's really a lawyer.
Annalise is too busy thinking about Nia's request to focus in the courtroom. Nia pressures her to kill her, again and again. Annalise tries to tell her no. Nia continues to beg. She says Annalise owes her this.
Annalise wasn't focusing in court and everyone notices it.
Annalise says to Frank that she needs help.. oh no. He's going to kill Nia, isn't he?
Levi calls to insult Wes's apartment, and Wes says that he can't insult the apartment when he sleeps in a car.
Levi wants to get involved in the Nate x Wes alliance so bad.
Laurel found out that the doctor gave the wrong diagnoses to another client before. They use this in court to make Zoey seem innocent.
Connor isn't impressed.
Enjoy all the sex you can while you're still alive, asshole.
Laurel tries being the jelly to the peanut butter and bread sandwich and soothe out the whole uprising against Annalise.
Molly and Megan call Zoey a slut. Connor helps out and says that he knows what it's like to have people get inside people's heads.
Wes goes to the hospital with Nate. Nate says he can't be here.
Frank made three calls the night Rebecca disappeared. One of them was to a girl called Sabrina. Was this the one girl who he had a long distance relationship with?
Wes tells Levi, and Levi says something that Connor has said before. "I'll be good."
Michaela is prepping Caleb. Caleb says his story, and how he was a 6 year old that was adopted when everyone else wanted to adopt little white babies. And now everyone thinks he killed his parents because he looks different from them. Michaela says he's playing the victim, and Caleb says she's being bitchy.
Caleb says she doesn't know how it is, and Michaela drops the truth bomb and says that she was adopted to people she couldn't relate to.
Caleb says it's bull, because she was never accused of murder.
Catherine walks in and asks if everything is okay.
Back in court, we learn that Molly takes the stand tomorrow.
Bonbon (not my chosen nickname) calls Asher. Asher's dad is trying to prove that Annalise is a criminal.
Bonnie wants to know if she can get Frank's person to trace Asher's phone calls. Frank says no, until Bonnie brings up that Laurel said some stuff about Frank over drinks the other day. Really, nobody ever grows up. We're all worried about the people we're having sex with's opinions on us.
Laurel is talking in Spanish, and I can't understand any of it because I got a D in Spanish 2. No hate, I just don't understand it.
Michaela says that she doesn't think Caleb is screwing his sister. After they talk about relationship drama, Wes figures out Levi and Michaela are still talking.
Wes tells Levi to gtfo.
dean thomas's life has become a lot more stressful after law school
Laurel stole Zoey's phone. She goes to Frank. Hidden apps on Zoey's phone reveals a video that they're using to plan to stab people. I'm just... I'm so done with these girls. Fuck this case.
This season, it seems like none of Annalise's clients have any morals whatsoever.
Connor is pissed that they're going to bury the video.
Annalise tells Connor to stop being so sensitive. It's still.. really fucked up??? What the fuck.
Frank got pills for Annalise.
Catherine asks Michaela has a crush on Caleb. Which is weird.
"i'm just... i'm just asking for a friend"
Molly says she felt bullied by Zoey. Zoey and Molly exchange, "u crazy bitch i hate you" after Molly says she has before. The videos are put into evidence and Annalise hates her life once again.
Nate comes to see Annalise after Zoey's parents complain that she sucks. Nate asks why she was talking to Nia.
Nia continues to beg for death. Annalise is conflicted. She says she's not going to promise anything.
Annalise tells Nate that Nia is worried about him, instead of, well, you know, her wanting Annalise to actually kill her.
Annalise is watching the videos. In the video, the crazy bitches say, "Skanks get shanked". In the course of 2 minutes, this is replayed multipe times. It's kind of like the new, "He did things to my ass that made my eyes water" now.
used this screenshot so i didn't have to show the girls faces. tainting my blog n shit.
Annalise argues in court that Zoey liked to do whatever Molly did. Because she was afraid of her.
Man, this is a bunch of clique-ish drama bullshit. I'm glad I was never popular in high school or middle school. Or grade school. Even in preschool, bitches were hating on me.
Zoey gets arrested after bitching Molly out in court and says her plans on killing her.
Connor slipped the video. Which means Connor is probably going to get murdered. Which sucks, because I love Connor.
Connor starts talking about his emotional stress. Annalise starts to talk about Connor's car. She helped destroy it so they wouldn't get caught. Annalise tells him not to fuck with her or any of her cases again.
Michaela comes in before her newfound friend Connor (as of season 2) gets murdered by his boss. Michaela says Catherine is a virgin. Annalise says, "Finally, something we can use."
Catherine agrees to use it in court to throw out the incest rumors. You can still be kissing your brother! Doesn't make it any better!
Michaela is staring at Caleb. Annalise tells her to use her boobs, not her heart. Annalise also puts her arms around Michaela. Awwwwwwww. Please don't kill Connor and I'll be okay. If you kill Connor, this Michaela and Annalise stuff means nothing to me. And don't kill Michaela! I'll give you Asher, Annalise.
Wes and Levi are talking in the car together. Frank needed help disposing the body. Wes goes to the cemetery where Rebecca was buried. One of Frank's friends works there.
Annalise takes the pills out of her pocket and puts them back in. She's back in the hospital, where Nia is reading.
Annalise reveals that she thinks about killing herself a lot to Nia. She says that if she doesn't deserve to die, Nia certainly doesn't. She says that life is about feeling alone in the pain.
Nia thought she would do it, because she killed before.
Annalise says she's not the woman she thinks she was, and then leaves.
Back to the Holy Trinity of Bitches I Don't Like, Emily Sinclair (or St Clair), Asher, and Asher's dad are talking about signing a deal. Asher looks like he's upset. Asher hugs his dad.
I don't know what music they're playing during this mess, but it's not IAMX. Which disappoints me.
Bonnie finds him and asks why Asher is doing this. Asher thinks that Annalise actually got Nate to murder Sam. Silly Asher! If Nate did murder someone, he wouldn't have that Flat Character Tv Trope under his name on HTGAWM'S TV tropes page.
Bonnie says that he's wrong. She says that she killed Sam. Asher just goes, "what."
Wes knows where Rebecca's body is. Wes tells Nate.
Annalise sees Nate and Wes talking outside of the hospital. Honestly, what the fuck is this mess?
In the flashforward, the students are pitying their lives. Nate says it's going to be okay. Michaela has to do something. Wow, what character development. Michaela learned how to function during a horrible crime.
Michaela goes into an apartment. Apartment 34. There's a guy there. Caleb. Caleb asks how is she. Who the fuck is she?!?! Catherine??!??!?! Annalise??!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?
Predictions I got right:
- lol none bc none of it came up.
- i mean i guess michaela and levi were close this episode but did they have sex?? noooooo
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