Guys. It's the time we've all been waiting for.
You know, the show that Viola Davis
won an Emmy for. I've been so excited for this I haven't been able to sleep. I probably won't sleep for the night because of this.
Predictions for tonight:
I bet that someone will get lucky tonight. Except for Connor and Oliver. I know, I know, if I'm wrong you're all going to be like, "Hahaha FUCK YOU EDGERAMBLES.BLOGSPOT.COM!" It's cool, I still love you. Kinda. I also bet that Michaela and Connor had nothing to do in the murder of Rebecca Sutter. I also doubt that Wes killed her, because they're making it seem like it's him and I'm doubting it. I was betting it was Laurel, but then I got to watch the preview for the episode and I'm feeling a bit unsure about it.
My best bets? Maybe it's Nate. Maybe it's Frank. Hell, maybe, somehow it's Rudy. I don't think it's Annalise.
I'm writing this an hour beforehand, but I'm sure whatever happens, it's going to be absolutely
See this post in 50 minutes, though!
If they don't play any of IAMX's music this episode, I will be disappointed.
Very disappointed.
Basically, what you missed last season is that Frank is a hitman and killed Lila. Frank owed Sam something so he killed Lila. Wes killed Sam. Someone (we learn tonight) killed Rebecca. Oliver has HIV. Laurel and Frank are still kind of gross. Bonnie and Asher are still kind of cute or... uh, something. I don't know anymore. All I know is 3 people are dead, and everyone got laid last season. Also, Laurel hid Michaela's ring. Nate got arrested for the murder of Nate.
Okay, so Rebecca's head was put in a bag. She kept screaming she'll be good.
Back in the classroom.
Our favorite gay Connor is looking at pictures of his boyfriend when Annalise calls on him.
Whoever killed Rebecca is supposed to be strong, apparently. So, uh, Nate?
Frank thinks Wes killed Rebecca. Back in the classroom, Wes gets sassy as fuck. Annalise says he doesn't do it back in the basement. In the classroom, she keeps getting sassy and so does he.
What the fuck is going on?
Seeing Rebecca die in that plastic bag is kind of awful. I liked Rebecca, even if she could be annoying at times. Plus, she was really cute. Katie Findlay is a certified cutie.
Connor gets sassy, Michaela gets sassy, and basically this is all sass today. I mean, Connor and Michaela don't really get sassy towards each other, and that's... Strange. I hope they become friends, though. Maybe Connor will teach her how to find a guy that's straight.
But girl, I can help you with that. Just find a guy who wears shorts when it's way too fucking cold to be wearing shorts at Walmart.
Laurel and Michaela are about to fight and it's kind of fun to watch.
Annalise is watching on TV a case about twins that are parent killers.
Frank says Annalise and him need to talk. He brings up Wes.
Annalise starts telling off the parent killers. The guy's name is Caleb. I hope I spelled that right. I don't like the name Caleb, so I really don't care too much. What exes do to you. The girl's name is Catherine.
Annalise thinks the parent killers case will be fun.
She tells the students off at her house. Meanwhile, Famke's character walks in and says they should probably do what she says. It's a surprise Annalise didn't want, because she has that, "OMG WTF" look on her face. Basically the same look I have when I see Rebecca in that plastic bag.
Still don't find this as great as the Michaela and Laurel fight, though.
Apparently Famke's character is Nate's lawyer. She's a death row attorney.
Famke's character is basically amazing. She accuses her of murdering her husband and then also accuses her of having her boyfriend.
Famke's character (I think her name is Eve) says that she's not taking Nate's case.
After doing what Annalise says what she wants,
Oliver is hacking and Connor is naked. What. Okay. Connor wants sex. Oliver doesn't want to put him in danger. Basically, Oliver broke my heart. As always. He doesn't think he's good enough for Connor. Which, sad. Just sad. But Connor says Oliver is the only good part of his day. Which worries me because if they're happy, something really, really bad is going to happen to them. Unless the writers decide to give us a break.
Wes is back in his apartment looking up stuff for the parent killers case. Then he starts looking up Jane Doe.
Apparently, according to Frank, he's been looking this stuff up for the last two nights. Frank says it to Annalise and Annalise asks him if he's stalking all of the students, or just Wes. Then she asks if Frank did it, and says she won't be mad if he did, only if he's lying about it.
All. While. Eating. A. Yogurt. I'm in love with this show.
Annalise and Wes are in her office. She wants to know why he's upset. Basically, I think Wes has become this fucking sassy superhero this episode.
Annalise lies to him and says they know where Rebecca is up.
Laurel has something on the parent murder case. Laurel asks Bonnie about the case. And Bonnie says that she's not Frank so she can't just twist her hair and get things out of her. Laurel makes her feel bad and says that Annalise never tells her these things- only Frank.
Jesus, when did all these people get sassy? I didn't realize that last season everyone was going to be bitter and rude.
So they're getting lucky on parent killers case. I don't really have much opinion about this case. I think it lasts for more than one episode, right? Better than the Max case in 1x02, honestly. That family gave me the chills.
Bonnie wants Asher. In more ways than one. All of the students know about them.
Eggs 911. Eggs 911.
Frank tries to act all innocent when Connor and Michaela ask about Eggs 911. Fucking Frank.
Wes is riding his bike to somewhere. Frank is stalking him.
Eve is questioning Nate. She throws her stuff and says that she doesn't like him. Nate says that white people only bring up race when it matters to them, not when it actually matters.
Nate calls Annalise and says that he's going to take him down with her.
Eve and Annalise are out together when they shouldn't be. Eve starts yelling at her and Annalise looks sad. I.. I feel bad. Eve starts telling her that she doesn't even feel bad deep down.
Also, someone on Tumblr just liked my post on who will get laid first. I guessed Frank and Laurel. I'm wrong. Shut up. Bonnie and Asher were pretty close.
Michaela is staring at Eggs 911 message in the bar. There's a guy she finds handsome. He's gay and she tells him to go away. She texts Eggs 911 and they text back. I hope this is Rebecca's twin sister.
So aunt of parent killers says that she was listening to her niece and nephew murder their parents on a specific date.
Laurel and Bonnie manipulated the video evidence to make it say whatever year they want.
Frank is talking to Annalise about Wes. They're practically like the parents explaining to the poor innocent kid that their puppy got ran over.
Annalise has a bottle of wine. Wes accuses Annalise of lying. Wes says that he'll get over Rebecca eventually. This is just.. sad.
Frank is using a dating site for Michaela, right? It was so fast and I'm just.. I hate him.
Laurel is at his door and says Rebecca is dead. She knew better than this shit.
Basically, it's either Bonnie or Laurel in my mind who killed her.
I'm just.. I'm dead because Laurel and Wes were so quiet and now they're all intense and willing to kill. What character development.
Flashback. Bonnie brought Rebecca some water in the cellar. Not the basement, sorry.
Bonnie is all calm and it's scaring me. Apparently Annalise told her that they're letting her go. Bonnie starts talking all crazy.
Bonnie then puts the bag over her head and ties it up. PARIS GELLER WHAT THE FUCK.
Bonnie confesses to murder to Annalise and says she did it for her. Because she'd do the same. Annalise calls her a monster and leaves.
This is really random, but I really like what Bonnie is wearing this episode. You know, other than the whole "I murdered someone" thing we found out this episode, I still like Bonnie. She just wants sex and protecting Annalise. This would make some good fanfic.
Annalise is at Eve's apartment drinking with her. Annalise says she ruins people, and she says she ruined Eve.
Did Annalise... have a fling... with Eve?
This is Heaven if it is.
Annalise and Eve have a moment remembering the good ol' times.
Eve says Annalise was fun. Please, she still is!
Anyways, back from that mess. I'm a mess. Anyways. Parent Murders case. I think Catherine is kind of cute. They're not exactly fond of Annalise because she's a suspect for Sam's murder so they think she'll be too busy to deal with their case.
Eve is such a badass in court.
Connor is going to move in with Oliver. He says that they're going to be a boring, domesticated couple. This.. This episode... I just.. This is all I EVER wanted. Really, I was thinking about changing my Tumblr blog titled from "The Gays are Domesticated" to something different, but you know what? This inspired me to keep it.
Of course, they kind of stop to take Annalise's call, because you gotta fear Annalise. Oliver was trained.
Annalise has a new wig and they're at a club. I blame Eve. Laurel is forcing Michaela to dance and have fun while Eggs 911 is texting..
Asher is getting fucking grilled by this chick. She wants to know stuff and basically Asher doesn't know anything. Sorry, Ash, I still love you.
The parent murder case twins, though. Their aunt got killed while Catherine is painting. It's a really creepy painting, too. Oh, fuck, did I choose the wrong new girl to find attractive? I always do that.
I'm glad that they're all having fun, because 2 months later, apparently, Annalise is about to die. She's in a pool of her own blood. I'm going to cry.
I mean, I
highly doubt she's going to die, but Wes ran out of the mansion she was in. Fucking Wes. I instantly don't think it's him. Maybe it was Eve. Maybe she falls in the
psycho lesbian trope.
I hate this show. But I love it. But I hate it.
So, who got laid? Probably the people that I said wouldn't. Fucking hell. See you next week. I need to rest. And scream. Who killed Rebecca? Not the person I thought it would be. I mean, I guessed Bonnie, but then I was like, "lol nah" LOL BITCH U WAS RITE. KINDA.
They played IAMX during the club scene. I can sleep happy now. I mean, I'm traumatized, but I guess I can get that lousy kind of sleep I need in order to wake up and continue to be traumatized.