Chain E-mails from Years Ago Had a Point
Well, first off, I have to write this quickly. I started this super, super late. So, if there's not any HTGAWM screencaps in this post, you'll know it's because I didn't have enough time to go find them. I'm sorry I suck.
Also I was trying to go back onto my email I had when I was a lot younger, but apparently since the world hates me I'm locked out of it. Go figure.
Now, I'm not talking about those chain emails that were like, "So-and-so didn't share this and their mother died..." because those are (and always will be) awful. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but for people with OCD, the world can seem like it is literally a bad chain email.
When I was younger, I used to get chain emails a lot. Some of them were like the one listed above, but others were really nice and positive.
Plus, some of them even included pictures of cats like this! What a bonus.
I think that those chain emails was the first thing that really struck me as a random act of kindness. My aunt used to send them to me all the time when she had dial-up Internet, which, as you know, image heavy things just don't load quickly on dial-up. She literally spent 3 hours sending chain emails with 50 images of cute animals to her family members about how she hopes they're having a great day.
See, I don't think being nice is hard. I'm not very nice myself, but I know that it's not hard to be nice to the people you truly care about. Sometimes, it just takes tagging them on something on Tumblr or just asking them how their day is going and listening to them.
I just wish life was one big chain email where we just were like, "Have a nice day! If you're not, here's a million dancing cats!" Unfortunately, it's not. So we sent it through email!
Tag Your Friend in a Dancing Cat Gif day should be an actual thing. It's a great random act of kindness.
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