Body Love
I've had a pretty crummy day and I've been looking forward to writing this post. So there's that.
Your body is important. Whether your body is frail and tiny, or curvy and large, it's a great body.
Do you understand that, Rae Earl? Do you?
I think that a lot of people have felt awful about their body at one point in time (especially girls) and it's so sad. It's sad to think about how some people just don't see their body as beautiful when it is, in fact, very beautiful.
I wish our world wouldn't flash around images about how we could just lose ten pounds and be worthy of love. I absolutely loathe that companies make money on our insecurity about our bodies. Why can't we be free to express our bodies how we please without some multi-million dollar company throwing the fact our thighs touch in our faces?
We need to stop this. We need to stop letting them win. We need to learn that we have a body that isn't going to be a photoshopped piece of art and we sure as hell need to stop looking at our bodies as flawed pieces of work. Newsflash, our bodies are not meant to look like the girls who grace the covers of magazines.
If you want to lose weight, do it safely. Don't do fad diets. Please, I'm begging you.
The bumps on our bodies don't make us worthless either. People have bumps, scars, and spots. Don't feel ashamed because there's a spot on your chin or a bump on your hand. I promise that whoever cares so much doesn't really matter in the first place.
It's a constant battle to feel good about ourselves, isn't it? We fight with the mirror and our tummy and wrap ourselves up in fear and sadness because of the mere thought of some mean person thinking about us in a rude way. It's toxic to ourselves. It's sickening how people can profit off this culture of body hate. They build us up just to tear us down.
I'm just going to attach one of my favorite songs here for you guys.
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