I was so excited to write another blog post. Yesterday I kept refreshing and hoping to find an excuse to keep writing. I like to space my posts out between days, but I've been trying to just post when I get a good idea.
Today, I am going to write a post about accomplishments! Whew, accomplishments. Also known as those things you hung up on the fridge if you got a good grade on it. Which are also known as math tests, but getting a good grade on a math test when you were in elementary school made you feel on top of the world. While we may not exactly hang up our accomplishments on the refrigerator anymore, (I still hang up my assignments I've done well on the refrigerator) we still have accomplishments. Big or small.
I wrote a paper at four A.M. I got it back today. My marks? 148/150. I was happy, to say the least.
You should be proud of your accomplishments. You're never too old to be smiling all day because you have done good. Just like you're allowed to do good, you are also allowed to feel good about doing good. Woah, a lot of good.
Even if your accomplishments are doing well in math. Even if your accomplishments are the accomplishments you get from Steam. Even if your accomplishments are coding a website. They are all accomplishments, nevertheless.
Accomplishing things are just a part of life. Don't let people make you feel down about being excited for doing good. Debby Downers are only fun if you're all down at the same time, eating lunch together and talking crap about people. Especially Rebecca, that girl who stole your boyfriend and then also your new boyfriend. Then she stole money from you. She's obviously awful, don't let them tell you otherwise.
This is not the Rebecca we are talking about though.
This Rebecca had a rough life and we should all feel ashamed for judging her so soon.
She's just a cute brunette who had the worst luck ever and didn't deserve the stuff that happened to her.
Feel good today about all you have achieved. In the famous words of the show Community.... "You go, girl!"