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Merry Christmas
12/25/2016 Unknown
Anyways, Merry freakin' Christmas guys! I don't know how you celebrate this holiday, but I hope however you spend it you're happy about it. Well, other than those awkward family get-togethers where random people are asking you about your life plans. I had multiple events like that this year. Yes, I am still feeling a bit pissed off.
About this Recent Mess of an Election....
11/14/2016 Unknown
- He is very against LGBT+ rights and with his brilliant plan to take money from HIV research and instead put it in conversion therapy (which, just in case you're wondering, doesn't fucking work and I can't believe I had to type that and later on provide sources about how shocking someone will never make them straight) has stated he does not care about me or my friends. Or even my enemies who happen to be gay, or trans, or bi. I would never want someone to suffer through isolating loneliness in conversion therapy, or for them to suffer with the HIV virus. That is a very scary, upsetting thing to think about.
- Pence doesn't think smoking can kill you. While I don't want to be the extremist and say that the second you smoke a cigarette, you'll have a 105% chance of getting lung cancer (because that's not true) you'll have a much higher chance of contracting lung cancer than most.
- And on that note, if he really wanted to protect the unborn like the superhero he thinks he is, ten percent of pregnant women smoke according to the CDC. How about actually helping come up with a solution to this problem (affecting the unborn you care about so much) instead of reminiscing of the time period you came from?
- Pence, as someone who cares about the unborn so much yet say that smoking won't kill, it seems highly hypocritical to suggest that fetuses should be given a dignified burial. A pregnant person could smoke their fetus's life away after hearing smoking won't kill you. While me and you will never know how pregnant females feel when they miscarry, I know it is not my place to decide how they mourn.
- Pence is also an advocate of coal.
- Mike Pence voted no on prohibiting discrimination based on where you put your genitalia. Also voted yes for constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in 2004. Also believes 'traditional marriage laws will keep conservatives alive'.
- Was rated a 0% by the Human Rights Campaign. Nobody should get a 0% on anything. If you get a 0% on anything, you need to study. I feel like we should have learned that in elementary school.
Here's the thing:
Voting Republican doesn't make you racist. It doesn't make you sexist. I mean, why would we have the Blonde Republican Sex Kitten TV Trope if that was true!?!? It doesn't make you homophobic. But you know what it makes you if you eat this shit up from Trump/Pence without stopping to think about it?
Also probably an avid FOX News watcher.
So, while yes, Republican Reader, maybe those people who are sobbing their eyes out are overreacting because they think that V.P. Pence will force them to go through shock therapy so they'll learn to like vagina or penis. But can I ask how you felt about the same-sex marriage ruling? Also, how do you feel about Pence's controversial opinions about marijuana legalization? How do you feel about Pence's previous actions? How do you feel that Trump has no prior experience in politics and we just put him in the biggest political position in the country? How do you feel that Trump may very well have the power to elect more than just one or two supreme court justices?
Voting for Trump because you wanted to offend Tumblr users is just as stupid as voting for Clinton because you like her Nancy Reagan name drop.
And for those that are worried about this situation and want to make a joke out of it, donate to Planned Parenthood and The Trevor Project in Mike Pence's name or in your least favorite Facebook friend after this election. You know, with the money you have from working. Since a lot of Facebook newscasts that take form in a stupid fucker from high school has declared that democrats don't work. While also not having a job themselves. Because, why not?
We are a lot stronger than this. I'm a big believer in the Horseshoe theory. I think we're a lot more similar than we are different. So while there's a lot of fucking idiots who are on Facebook right now cheering about how they just offended all the Tumblr brats by voting for El Presidente Trump, there's just as many people who sit in the middle of this all and want it all to stop. That's why I think labels are stupid; plenty of people out there have both democrat and republican views on subjects. If we actually listened instead of screaming about Hell, God, sin, oppression, and all that other fun stuff I never want to talk about on a Sunday morning we'd learn that the idiots on both sides are our enemies.
Storylines that Annoy The Shit Out of Me Part One
10/28/2016 Unknown
So I'm going to talk about my least favorite storylines, and what shows did them well enough I actually didn't hate it!
1. The Coming Out Storyline
There are three ways this can go, and all of them are equally fucking annoying.
- Cue the bisexual girl who experiences a girl crush for the first time. She and the much more experienced girl crush start to date. Bisexual girl feels pressured to come out because girl crush became girlfriend and girlfriend wants obviously bisexual girl to come out because love is love. Bisexual girl comes out and her mother is usually an asshole about it. Bisexual girl has to prove their sexuality.
How To Get Away With Murder Predictions
10/07/2016 Unknown
Okay, so hear me out. There's two bodies this season. One of them already went to the rainbow bridge, and there's another person who is barely hanging onto life. I made a Six Feet Under fade to white (actually light grey) for whoever died.
How To Get Away With Murder 3x01 Thoughts
9/23/2016 Unknown
Anyways, now we have someone from Dexter on this show and spoilers it's not Michael C. Hall. Though I would love to see him make an appearance... I miss Six Feet Under, okay?
The Weird:
- Connor. Connor, what the hell? You're apologizing? Season one Connor would not do this. Get your shit together, for fuck's sake.
- Why is Nate still here? I mean, no offense, but you've done nothing.
- Frank without facial hair. Goodbye.
- Connor and Oliver broke up. How am I supposed to go to class tomorrow? My hopes and dreams are done. I cannot show up to class. I must email my professors and tell them I am ill.
- Wes and Laurel didn't get together.
- Keating 5 and their GPA in itself is depressing. Come on guys, just use quizlet!
Also stop being involved in murders.
The Sims 4 and The Decline of the Franchise
9/05/2016 Unknown
The Sims 4 is a disappointment. If we lined up the whole franchise up, TS1 would be the kid that went to college for computer science and now lives in a modern loft in Seattle. TS2 would be that kind of odd sibling who has their faults but went on to paint the most beautiful painting ever. TS3 would be the popular guy wearing shades. TS4, though, we'll get to this later....
The decline of this franchise has made me really, really depressed. And I hate to write this blog post, because everyone knows how much I love this franchise. I've spent hours and hours creating families, buildings, and downloading mods and scouring the Internet for custom content. I made one of my best friends over The Sims, and I'm grateful for that. In fact, I'm grateful for everything this franchise has given me.
But now, there's very little that makes me want to go to TS4.
Yes, I do think that the Create-a-Sim now is the best we've ever had. The customization is amazing! However, before the game came out, that seemed like the main focus. And that scared me.
I found most of the criticism before the game released as just that- criticism. It wasn't fact to me. It wasn't going to stop me from buying the game. Most of the criticism was just, "Wahhh, the graphics aren't good enough for me, The Pro Gamer" at first. But when more information came out, I kind of got a little wary of the game in general.
The graphics were fine. Removing the color wheel customization? Fine. Removing the open world? Fine. Taking away features that were beloved by the community? Uh, what?
Toddlers- Okay, as an avid Sims 2 player, I will admit that I hate toddlers with a passion. However, it's odd for a baby to just sprout legs and long arms in seconds. So logically, toddlers were a good transition stage. So how the hell did we decide that toddlers should just be removed?
Oh, right. There's this explanation, which just translates to, " Fuck y'all, our company will add it in later for a Generations EP" Source
"So the bottom line is that when we sat down and looked at everything we wanted to do for this game, all the new tech we wanted to build into it, the fact was that there would be trade-offs, and these would disappoint some of our fans. Hard pill to swallow, believe me, but delivering on the vision set out for The Sims 4 required focus. Focus on revolutionizing the Sims themselves. So, rather than include toddlers, we chose to go deeper on the features that make Sims come alive: meaningful and often amusing emotions; more believable motion and interactions; more tools in Create A Sim, and more realistic (and sometimes weird!) Sim behavior. Instead of pools, we chose to develop key new features in Build Mode: direct manipulation, building a house room-by-room and being able to exchange your custom rooms easily, to make the immediate environment even more relatable and interactive for your Sim."So apparently toddlers aren't Sims themselves? Taking a logical stage of life away from the game makes the game more realistic?
Memories- Yeah, taking this away was fine. Anyone who plays TS2 knows why that's okay. Or TS3. Memories are best to showcase on your Simblr, but become pointless when clogging up anything else.
Repairmen- Okay, I'm mad about this one specifically because I don't get to have my Sims seduce the plumber anymore. Everyone knows the plumber does amazing things in bed. Next.
Using the excuse, "It'll get better when there's more expansions" is just... dumb to me. Nobody buys any other game and brings up the faults and gets met with this excuse. In fact, it's actually seen as an awful game when it lacks many features that previous games in the franchise had.
So why are we, as fans, so conditioned to say that when someone rolls up on the forums with their, "Am I the only one who doesn't like..."
I mean, I don't see people complaining about the lack of dinosaurs on ARK: Survival Evolved and them being told, "Wait for expansions guise!!!!1111"
It's shitty for a company to take out all of these features and then add them back in after a massive bitchfit happens. It's also shitty for a company to charge $60 for an unfinished game. It's even more shitty for a company to expect their customers to eat up all the garbage they put out and never develop opinions about what they're spending their money on.
This is the thing, though. I don't think that The Sims 4 is necessarily a 'bad' game. I just think that it showed off what a shitty company could do to a potentially good game. Really, I think that if they kept a lot of the features that were in the other games, it wouldn't have received all of the criticism it did.
EA, you need to try to seduce the customers harder. You think just because we've been having an on-and-off metaphorical woohoo experience for more than a decade you can just announce one thing and get into your customer's pockets and pants? No. We've been in this for more than a decade, bro. Treat us nicer, and instead of putting your metaphorical cock in our vagina and then announcing, "Hey, btw, I got the herp, but wasn't that fun?!" I think you should try foreplay. Foreplay that makes your customers know everything is okay, like rub our feet with the positive news that new features will not replace old features.
Now I know there's no pleasing everyone. However, I swear to God that's what I think EA said to the staff when making this game. I also think they wanted to gear the game towards newbies (read: children) when making this game.
See, part of the appeal for me when I was a young one who went over to the neighbor's house to watch my older, more experienced and mature neighbor play The Sims was the 'naughty' aspects. Such as the ability to have your Sims make out, or have them die in a horrid fire. Also, purposefully drowning them and bonding with friends over that.
"Karen, this is amazing! What should we do with Tyler?"
Toning down elements of the game that made it unique has also been disappointing. Seriously, don't these creators know that a majority of their fanbase plays like they're Satan instead of God? I mean, the second you say that you miss the maid outfit from The Sims 2, you get called a pervert that jacks off to a kids game. All because I want to roleplay a totally unrealistic romance story involving a seductive maid! I can't even do that without some asshat on the forums calling me a creepy fat man with a small penis!
I am not a creepy fat man, nor do I have a penis!
I don't want to support a franchise that lets the diehard dick-suckers tell me how big my penis is, nor do I want to support a franchise that clearly gives no shit about the quality of the game.
Updates and Ads
8/21/2016 Unknown
Anyways, last time I posted on here was when I was still employed, may or may not have been a dancing queen at 18, and basically, just a really fucking long time ago. Please don't ask why I'm writing a blog post at two in the morning. My life is a wreck and I can't do anything about it.
Enough with the rambling. For all you hip kids with adblock, can you listen to me for a second? Alright, if you pay attention you'll see I have a new template for my blog. I wanted one that would look fresher than a daisy picked on two virgins' wedding day, but I guess this one is alright. I also somehow got approved for an Adsense account. Which means I'm selling out and next up I'll be making t-shirts for my shit blog.
Oh wait. I do.
I don't expect to get rich off of this blog. I just want a few cents here and there. Maybe enough to buy a *gasp* small coffee one day!
I'll hopefully be writing more soon. I missed you guys.
Beloved Characters that Died (And Why They Had to Die)
6/24/2016 Unknown
We all have that one character we wish would just fucking let the can hit them on the way out so hard they can't get back up and they end up dead. Mine was Susan Meyer, but after trying to suffer through Grey's Anatomy for like, five episodes, I suppose I'd be okay if Meredith Grey went through what everyone around her went through. That girl needs some Zoloft and a book about how she's not the entire world.
We always have that one character who dies that we just feel like they shouldn't have. They were practically sunshine in character form and the actor/actress that plays them is plastered all over our Tumblr blogs. We always say they deserve better than death, but considering the fact the world death rate has been consistent at 100% per year according to The Onion it's just a fact that some of our favorite characters are going to die.
Ever since I went on Tumblr
See, writers want to cause pain. Good writers want to make you feel shit that you normally wouldn't feel in day to day life. While we may hear on the news about some tragic death, chances are most of us aren't going to be crying unless we were there or knew the person personally.
Characters in media are meant to be watched, analyzed, and understood. Characters we relate to we become attached to. We watch or read some of their most precious life moments play out. We see them become the hero or the villain. In good writing, they will be flawed just like real people. We may even see them grow up enough to enter a loving relationship.
Then, you may see some of the most tragic moments of their lives. Lost a child. Divorce. Torture. And unfortunately, death.
We may, as viewers, feel incredibly upset about whatever we are watching when our favorite character dies.
Isn't a good piece of media is to make us feel all sorts of emotions?
So when I see people posting, "Why did x character die when y character is homophobic, sexist, racist, and a horrible person?" I just get kind of confused.
Your antagonist in a piece of media is probably not a full-fledged character. If they die, that ruins a big piece of conflict in the story. A character that is full-fledged is going to get a reaction in universe and out of universe. There's very few storylines where killing your antagonist is going to lead to a full storyline that viewers/readers aren't going to get tired of. If your characters sulk about an antagonist's death too much, is that going to seem out of character? Worst of all, is it going to be so eye roll worthy that the viewers/readers absorbing the media may turn away or close up the book?
Making characters suffer is just part of being a writer. Making them die is also part of being a writer.
Stop tweeting death threats to writers. These people do not owe you anything for your little SJW fantasies. They do not owe you your happy little story in your little head. They owe an audience a story that is good. If you don't like the way the story is going, complain about it on Tumblr and tag it in the related tags. Get a little mob formed so you all can circlejerk about your feelings together. Don't send death threats to people who have probably worked harder developing these characters more than you. And for fuck's sake, a real person matters more than a fictional fucking character.
RE: Orlando Tragedy and Death
6/15/2016 Unknown
Recently, with the troubles of the Orlando shooting and Christina being killed, I have thought about death more in-depth.
Death is so final in a world that is always changing.
The Orlando shooting has hit a bit closer to home. I've spent hours finding out the victims' names and their stories. Those stories that were canceled. Those beautiful stories that they were writing and doing so well at were ruined by some fucking idiot with a gun and hate in his heart. I don't know if it's just the thought that most of the victims were young, or if it's the fact we share the same community.
While we can sit down and listen to Justin Timberlake until our ears bleed from What Goes Around... Comes Around, tragedies like this make me realize how much of a bubble we can live in.
While I am sitting over here with the luxury of being able to see the people in the fraternity across the street watching soccer or some shit, it kills me that people that were just trying to enjoy themselves may not have that luxury anymore. People who had kids, people who were just doing their jobs, people who had plans of getting married, and people who were trying to enjoy themselves in an environment that was accepting.
These people may have missed out on the happiest days of their lives.
The Orlando tragedy is eating me up inside. I don't know how I'm supposed to function after this. While I didn't personally know any of these people that were victims in the shooting, I still feel like this is going to be absolutely impossible to shake off. Am I supposed to live in fear of becoming more open about my sexuality? I was already living in fear after being sexually harassed by people who constantly want to know every detail of my sex life, and even worse, want to be apart of it.
While Matthew Shephard wasn't the first victim of a gay hate crime, it was what brought it to our attention that a brilliant boy's future had been ruined by two fucking idiots. Two fucking idiots who didn't value life.
That's what pisses me off about these things. Your life didn't matter enough to you, so you purposefully had to ruin another's? Fuck you.
This is such a difficult post to write, because there is no positive, uplifting message to end it on. There's no good silver lining to any of this. The only positive I can see in the world that some might see is that the shooter is no longer alive to torture others with his awful beliefs.
I wish I was religious sometimes. I wish I had something to turn to in times like these. Instead, I'm here with no uplifting outlook on this. Nothing is going to change. People on Facebook are still going to post their stupid statuses about how they're worried about catching AIDS from some queens handing out LGBT+ pride pamphlets. I'm still going to get the same dumbasses asking how I could prefer women and still not want children. Never mind the fact we live in a world like this, where forty-nine people got killed while they were just trying to enjoy themselves.
There is no prevention for this. The damage has already been done.
I think nightclubs are the perfect example of youth. Nightclubs are a place where typically young people all go to. It doesn't matter who you are; the nightclub didn't care.
So the idea that a terrorist took these lives in a place so well known as the symbol for youth kills me inside.
I am sickened by the idea that certain politicians are using this tragedy to move their campaign forward. I get it, I get it. You really want The White House. However, this isn't fucking Big Brother. There are families who lost their son, their daughter, their aunt, their uncle, their partner, their friend, and so much more. You can't fucking just say, "Hey, I'm sorry for the people affected by this. My heart goes out to them." and leave your two cents on how to stop this for two fucking seconds?
I don't care if you support Trump or Clinton or whatever third party is out there. I really don't right now. I feel so numb and odd about life right now that politics is the last fucking thing on my mind. However, neither of these politicians proved to me that the LGBT+ community actually means anything to them in their stupid campaign. You know, the community that lost members that were contributing to the world. You know, the community that votes for them.
The world is fucking vile, but life is so precious we keep breathing, eating, and drinking to continue on.
Rest in peace to the victims of the Orlando shooting. You were so much more than a driving force in a political campaign. You were people who breathed the same air as us, the people who were studying to become something, and the people who were just trying to have fun. Some fucking idiot who should never have had a gun (I don't care what you think about gun control, but seriously, who the fuck thinks a guy previously on the FBI's watch list should have a fucking gun?) just ruined the lives of too many. He ruined too many families. I'm glad this fucker is dead now. He contributed nothing to this world except for pain and misery. I hope there's something worse than Hell out there, and I hope he's drowning in it.
But God bless the U.S.A, right? No way, no way U.S.A. Only you fuckers could use something like this to try to promote Orange Man and Heelary CLintson. Fuck you. I'm disgusted, and no amount of Six Feet Under will ever bring any closure to this senseless violence and torture. Why? Because these people should have been living. These people should still be here, and not being used in a political battle between two fuckheads who have hoards of useless fuckers behind them breeding left and right because babyeeeeeeees, not even realizing what kind of fucking world they are bringing the baybeeeeeeessss into.
The U.S.A. may be more tolerant of LGBT communities, but it still fucking sucks that someone can just purchase a weapon and take out people who choose to live differently than them. But hey, #LoveIsLove, right?
#DeathIsDeath #MurderIsMurder
Not as fun hashtags, right?

Three in One Review: Desperate Housewives, Looking HBO, and Six Feet Under
5/17/2016 Unknown
Well, while I was off of this blog, I was working on stuff and watching a bunch of television shows that I figure some of you would like to hear about. Because you guys love me and value my opinion, right?
It took me quite a good bit of time to get through Desperate Housewives. I finished Looking in two days. Six Feet Under had me so attached I didn't care about how long it took me to get through it.
Now, uh, let's start those reviews, shall we?

The Ugly: God. Susan. If I had to name characters that annoyed the shit out of me, she would be on my top ten ranking in at number two. Number one would be Meredith Grey. Yeah.
I don't even consider Susan a housewife. I consider her a damn pain in the ass and an eyesore to a series I would have rated higher if she just... died. They killed off plenty of other characters. Why couldn't they have killed off her?
Most of the times when Desperate Housewives got really boring is when it became very Susan-centric. Her plot lines were reused over and over again. When did she ever have to get a job? When did she ever have a juicy affair? When did she do anything other than whine about fucking Mike for the entire series?
My gripes with this series mostly revolve around Susan, if you cannot tell. I think that Edie, Bree, Lynette, and Gabrielle were far more interesting. I mean, think about it. Edie was the gorgeous blonde woman who seduced men and had a pretty sad life. Bree was the 'perfect' housewife who had her entire world rocked because of her family mess. Lynette was the housewife who didn't exactly want to be one because she desired her career. Gabrielle had an affair with a much younger man after her husband stopped paying attention to her.
Sure, the other housewives weren't perfect, but at least they were more interesting than some ditzy dumbass who wandered around the neighborhood watching men she wanted to fuck and ignoring her teenage daughter.
Final Thoughts: I think this show should have ended way, way sooner than it should have. After season five, the show just got... tired.
If the show stayed at the same quality as season one and season three, it would have been perfect. Unfortunately, this is television. Nothing stays perfect.

Overall Rating of Looking: 6/10
Summary: Looking (HBO) was a show that was canceled after just two seasons. It's a very artsy series about three gay men going about their lives in San Fran. While I will say that there was a lot that was left out of this series because of the short lifespan of the show itself, I do think that a lot of the promise of the show wasn't kept. Maybe that is why people didn't want to tune into it.
The Good: Jonathan Groff was the main character. The bad? His character was boring and thirsty for the other most boring character.No spoilers, but Mr. Boss just didn't have much appeal to me. Maybe it's my lesbianism speaking out, or maybe it was just the fact that, hey, he didn't have much development. Richie was way better.
The Ugly: God. I think the thing that really fucked this series over was the fact that there wasn't very much time involved in it. Every episode was twenty minutes long. If each episode was forty minutes long, I think this show would have done way better. It didn't have enough time to have any character driven plotlines. Why? Because we barely got to understand any of the characters to begin with. Even Patrick.
Final Thoughts: If I had to describe this show in one word, it would be subtle. It was never over-the-top. There was no heart pounding scenes that had everyone on the edge of their seats. It didn't have enough time to have enormous plot holes at every turn. It had a few pop culture jokes here and there that may catch you in a giggle or two, but it was never too hilarious or out there. It was just Looking.

Overall Rating of Six Feet Under: 9/10
Summary: A wife becomes a widow, her three children lose their father, a worker loses his boss, and a funeral home loses its owner. The two sons of the family must pick everything back up and put it back together while struggling with their own personal lives. Every single episode starts off with a death which ends up as the Fishers' clients.
The Good: Oh god, it was just so, so good. For five seasons, they kept all sorts of cast members on the show and never had people leaving. It was one of the best character-driven shows I've ever seen. In fact, this show is probably one of the best shows I've ever seen in general.
The characters are very diverse. There's a lot of issues about death that are addressed in the show. One of the biggest ones that I won't forget anytime soon (no spoilers) is the idea of how we should treat the families of violent criminals who died. Should we dehumanized them? Should we see them as the cause of suffering? Or should we see them as people who feel guilty for grieving?
This show made me go through so many existential crises. It made me rethink how I should live my life. It made me rethink how I should see death.
And don't even get me started on 1x11.
This is not the show for someone who lives off the thrill of watching car chases. This is the show for the person who wants to see the aftermath.
The Ugly: Uh, let me just say that you should not jump into this show just to watch the ending. While you will probably remember the ending for the rest of your life, it is not the entire show. It was just well-written. That's what happens when you end a show on a good note rather than trying to keep it alive for as long as possible to cash in on it.
Also, I think it was kind of screwed up that us viewers didn't get to see more musical numbers. I prayed. I prayed.
Final Thoughts: It's a very depressing concept, but trust me, it's worth it.
Anyways, I'm going to try to get back into the blogging spirit again before too long. I don't know what exactly to blog about, but eh, I'll think of something. I missed you guys! I see all the pageviews I've gotten since I went AWOL on here. I've been busy. First, I had a crazy schedule do to finals approaching, then it was the fact I am graduating... I know these sound like excuses, but I promise I've only played The Sims 2 for at most thirty hours since I stopped updating.
How To Get Away With Murder 2x14 RECAP- "There's My Baby"
3/11/2016 Unknown
Bonnie: "I thought you stopped drinking."
Annalise: "I did. Hand me the bottle."
"What is this, a homeless shelter?"
How to Get Away With Murder RECAP- Season 2 Episode 12 "It's A Trap"
2/25/2016 Unknown
Rose and Annalise: Mahoney and Rose's stories added up. Annalise got picked by Mahoney's father for the case because of her race and gender. What's really depressing is that you can just see tears in Annalise's eyes. Rose thinks that Annalise is milking the fact she's pregnant. I don't know what that's about, really. Rose doesn't want to be deported.
Annalise hates her adopted five children dearly. I totally understand.
Frank: Frank told Laurel about the fact he strangled preppy Lila Stangard and tossed her away like a bag of used cat litter. Of course, that doesn't go well with the ladies, so it pissed her off. Which is why Laurel seeks revenge in the form of Dean Thomas. See below.
Frank fucked up the Mahoney case by not forcing Rose to testify.
Laurel: "We should go to Ohio," Laurel says. I whisper no at the computer screen. They ended up in Cleveland, Ohio, which is out of the cornfield zone.
Dean Thomas and Laurel kiss a little in the car after she lies about why she's upset with Frank. I knew it was coming. You could see him look at her lips before it. Oh dear god, I hope this is spammed all over Tumblr.
Listen, I ship Laurel with many, many people. If you're going to judge me for that, then fine.
Michaela: Michaela and Connor go back and forth between who should bang Asher to calm him down. Asher is like that really annoying child who two teenagers pass back and forth while their parents are off drinking whiskey. Oh boy. Jokes on every Michaela x Asher shipper and Connor x Asher shipper, because Michaela goes off and hooks up with Caleb again.
Fortunately for all of our faithful Michaela fans, she is wearing a gorgeous outfit again. It's so relieving to know that there are people designing their outfits and think, "Hey, let's make sure Michaela looks hot af this episode." Bless you people. And bless Aja Naomi King for her face.
Asher: Even when Asher knows everything about Sam, he's still left out.
Connor and Oliver: Connor finally remembered that he has to use manners towards Annalise to get her to do what he wants. Of course, he forgot them like ten minutes into the show and starts bitching about stuff again.
Connor wants to escape Annalise, so he tries talking his boyfriend into going to him to Stanford. Oliver tells him he might not even get in because he has never seen him study before. See, Connor. You're trapped. You should have studied.
Then they have this cute little neck kiss scene.
Folger's Commercial Love Triangle: Jesus christ. It's like Myspace emo here. Catherine tells Caleb that Phillip loved her like she wanted a brother to love her. Uh. K.
Caleb and Michaela hook up again, which disgusts any Laurel x Michaela shipper. Can I seriously make a hate club for them? Michaela deserves better.
Where We Ended: Annalise and her children didn't pay a cent of that blackmail money. Mysterious emailer (which I don't think is just Phillip) sent another video of Annalise and Nate together. We also end on a scene of Christophe (young Wes) holding a knife above his dying mother.
How to Get Away with Murder RECAP 2x11- "She Hates Us" (yes, she does..)
2/18/2016 Unknown
Annalise had a baby in her arms. The baby wasn't real, though. Wes contemplated suicide. That's... That's pretty much all that I can remember. And I'm on a schedule this recap.
Annalise- She went back to work this episode. And just so you know, she was just as much of a badass ten years ago until now. Apparently, ten years ago, she was fighting to earn tenure. She was also working out a deal with Christophe's mother.
Annalise, if you want to slap around your interns, I totally would understand. I mean, I love the Keating Five and all, but dear God.
Sam- Yes, Sam was in this episode in a flashback ten years ago. Yes, he was actually kind of a decent person back then.
Asher- His immaturity might just get him murdered. By Oliver. Like I wouldn't be surprised if Oliver did a Frank. He also listened to Oliver, Connor, and Michaela talk shit about him. Oh god. Oh dear god. Asher is like that one really creepy kid who stabs kids after they exclude him from tag. Or at least, that's what he seems to have become.
Asher called Connor out on his nonsense, which turned into a therapy session. That's what the first post is about. I included it because I still don't have all this screenshot stuff sorted and it made me laugh.
Frank- I'm cackling at his hair in the flashback. He was always the type of guy to take Sam's side, apparently...
Bonnie- So Bonnie was one of Sam's clients. She also gave Annalise advice on how to deal with pregnancy pains. Was she pregnant at some point in time...?
Michaela- Caleb called her a whore this week. Oh my god, what the absolute fuck. God, go back to your Folgers commercial already. Oliver also was trying to pawn off Asher to her so she had a new boyfriend. Dear god, please, no. These options in men are all trash. Michaela only deserves the best now. Like, she deserves her prince charming who carries her off away from all this bullshit on his shoulders.
Michaela got called out for talking about how the client of the week deserves all the time he could get if Catherine got time. Annalise said that what she was saying had nothing to do about Catherine, but instead it was all about her feelings about Caleb.
Michaela quit and brought Connor with her to the 'Fuck Annalise' train. You'll both be back, you fools. By next episode, too.
Fuck it. I decided I am jumping on the Michaela and Laurel ship. She's the only person I trust enough to be careful with her heart.
Nate- Nate told Frank to leave him alone about Phillip or else he was going to tell Annalise.
He got Annalise comfort food though. Awwww...
Wes- Today, Wes was encouraged to go see a therapist. Then he said he wanted to shoot himself to the doctor. Yeah, Wes, I totally think that's the reasonable thing you say when you want to leave. Look, buddy, I get it. You want sleeping pills. But you need mental help after all the shooting and murder. He went to the mental ward.
Wes had a really depressing childhood, to nobody's surprise. He saw all of his mother's blood after she shot herself. The doctor told him that after Annalise got shot, he was triggered by this and remembered all the gory, unforgettable memories of his mother.
Laurel- The saga of Wes and Laurel pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend to get through shady shit continues. Of course, the doctor checking on Wes said that Laurel was a bad girlfriend for thinking it wasn't that serious about suicide.
Then Laurel got fired for accusing Annalise of punishing Wes by leaving him in the ward. Being employed by Annalise would be pretty stressful. Not only are you fired for simply existing and saying one or two things, but you're probably also doing a bunch of illegal crap that is going to follow you years after law school.
Laurel told Frank that Flaurel is on the rocks because of all the shit he hasn't told her. Oh, boy. Don't start this. And then because Laurel started it (complete with tears) Frank blurts out that he was the one who killed Lila. FEELINGS, FRANK. DON'T HAVE THEM. UNLESS YOU WANNA GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT.
(we might as well relish the time we have until this song no longer applies to these two)
Connor- Other than talking shit about how he just hung out with Asher because he felt bad for him, not much really happened. Until the exact last second of the episode where Connor received a video over e-mail of Wes and the Accomplices sneaking around the Hapstall mansion after Annalise got shot. And the guy actually fucking was talking about this while in the kitchen while Asher and Oliver was right there. Uh, dude. Everyone needs to be more careful with your shady shit. Isn't this how you almost got caught last night.
Client of the Week- I hated this case. I like the cases where I actually care about the client. He shot a guy on purpose and then texted the guy's mom afterwards. His last words to her was the creepy guy's.
The mother was willing to forgive him. Uh. What. The. Fuck.