How To Get Away With Murder Predictions


How To Get Away With Murder Predictions

Alright, who died?

We're going to try to figure it out today, folks! With our super sleuth skills and our knowledge of everything TV tropes, we are going to try to figure out the body underneath the sheet. 

So far, we know that Annalise, Oliver and Bonnie are alive. 

What is dead, however, is IAMX on the soundtrack of this show. Seriously, Pete, what the hell? I want it back. It isn't the same show without IAMX. I will fight whoever decided IAMX isn't needed. 

Oh, also someone is underneath a sheet, presumably dead. Annalise is sobbing, but she can start fake crying at the drop of a pen. To be honest, I can start crying over pens too and I'm not even an actress. I'm barely even a writer! I lost my colorful pens the other day so if anyone finds them at my college campus contact me immediately.

Oliver was told to delete something. Me, also being a socially awkward gay that is good with technology, knows exactly what is to be deleted. It's obviously the HBO version of the show, guys! He could be deleting Nate nudes. He could be deleting Eve nudes. He could be deleting Sam nudes. I mean, if Sam sent me nudes I'd delete them immediately and break whatever device it was on. Last time someone got sent Sam Nudes they got strangled on a sorority roof. And as someone who lives right next to a sorority, that is not the way to go out.

Okay, so hear me out. There's two bodies this season. One of them already went to the rainbow bridge, and there's another person who is barely hanging onto life. I made a Six Feet Under fade to white (actually light grey) for whoever died.
(Production values for this blog have gone up since we added adverts, people!)

My roommate and I were watching the new episode last night and I kind of understand why people are saying that they think Connor is going to die. But I personally think he's a red herring in this. Why? Well, to be blunt, he's too fucking important. You can show him reading Giovanni's Room and reveal Oliver is alive and upset first, but I know how ridiculous shows can be. They want to tug on your heartstrings even though you don't have any. 

As the character who is a leading fan favorite, he does gain attention with a lot of the outside press. Plus, I'd be pissed if it was him or Michaela because they did jack shit with them in 2B. 2B was such a mistake, honestly. 

They set him up with so many possible plot lines, too. First off, there's the breakup. Second, we got to see him in action in the 3x02 case. What if we get to see him become an Annalise Keating? They're both messy, terrible people with a lot of mental problems. 

Let's think about it this way: 
All the people who died previously had their plot lines wrapped up before their death. 

1. Sam. His death happened right after we learned how much of a piece of shit he was. 
2. Rebecca. We learned that she did not in fact kill Lila. Then Paris Geller decided to suffocate her for getting in her way. 
3. Emily Sinclair. She died when Asher's dad died. She was slandering his father and thus, had to be killed off when he died. 
4. Caleb. We learned he was a guilty son of a bitch. Then he did an hero. So sad. So tragic. He was an hero. I still hate him for what he did to Michaela. 

So who doesn't have a massive plot line this season? Well, Wes. And Nate. 

However, I think that whoever is badly burned is going to be the Annalise-that-got-shot moment of this season. Remember how we all knew that Annalise was going to live because she is just too damn important for this show? I'm not ruling anyone out for that. Unless it's already shown that they're alive, because, well, that's just pointless. 

So I'm placing my bet now: Wes is going to be the dead body. The burnt person is going to somehow survive, but it's gotta make everyone really emotional at the time. Perhaps they'll wait until January to show if they live or not. Who. Knows. 


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