January 2016


Censorship Part One

I feel like this is going to have to be a series of posts rather than one whole gigantic post. Also, I'm going to talk about a few different things that have fell victim to censorship.

Remember when cartoons used to actually be fun? Remember when there were plenty of perverted jokes in them that made it enjoyable to watch if you were an older audience member? Remember when it wasn't a big deal to show violence? Remember when we actually saw good cartoons?

Yeah, sure, say cartoons are meant for kids. Then why is American Dad!, South Park, and Family Guy so popular? Well, because... cartoons can be enjoyable when there's not an overprotective audience nitpicking like a bunch of Tumblr SJWs at a random famous celebrity.

Now, before some fool comes on here and comments, "ooooh i don't want my baby to seeeeeee drawings of dicks.....", I am going to say that no, I don't believe that cartoons should have naked people flying around in them. Don't twist my fucking words. Don't take it to the fucking extreme. And if you've actually researched cartoons or other works from around World War 2, I'd argue that seeing naked cartoon people actually isn't the worst thing someone could be exposed to.  I just believe that, at the end of the day, artists should get to do whatever the hell they want with their work.

It's not right to sit around when you're not even a fucking artist and say that we need to cover up the things that make our works unique. It's not right to run animation in the ground because your ~feels~.

And yes, the people on Tumblr sitting around complaining about how South Park is horrible and make stupid change.org petitions to get it canceled because of their ~feels~ is exactly the same as some pissy soccer mom sitting around on One Million Moms's Facebook page saying they need to get some show with a lesbian couple on it canceled.

See, I live in a world where I think that artists should have freedom to do whatever the hell they want. If you're going to censor it, it's going to lead to bad art.
I would make a reference, but I can't


Why I Just Really Hate Tumblr These Days

(Note: not all of Tumblr is like this. Seriously, when I go on the site, I'll see plenty of HTGAWM gifsets and Star Wars stuff and funny text posts. I'm not good at math, so I really can't decide if the good outweighs the evil here.)

I joined Tumblr because people on this one forum I was on were talking about it. Naturally, I was curious, so I made an account.

However, in the past few years, people who just want to find petty reasons to hate on people (aka SJWs) have really ruined a lot of the fun of the site for me. Seriously, it's gotten ridiculous. And yeah, you can tell me it's because I'm not following the right people, or I just look for it, but here's the thing:

I follow 3,000 people. I don't have time to cyberstalk them to figure out their beliefs. And who says that their beliefs will stay the same? Maybe one day, they'll log in and start posting about how gay white men are the devil's spawn because some gay guy said something slightly rude to them. And let's not forget the fact that you can just post something and one of your followers can message you being incredibly pissed off about whatever you said.

Once, before going to bed, I said that I don't think people who eat dogs should own them (which is my opinion) and I was checking Tumblr in the morning and got a message saying I was disrespecting POC culture and I was a terrible person for it and I needed to stop posting shit like that. Uh, k?

I also find it completely ridiculous that an artist had her content nitpicked at until she wanted to commit suicide. Then, the scum of Earth had to say, "Well, I don't feel that bad, because she's [insert word here that Tumblr says way too fucking much for any reasonable person to take seriously anymore]"

I mean, for fuck's sake, go outside.

If you would bother to go outside, maybe you would realize that about 70% of the population is actually normal people who don't exactly care what you do.

Now, I get that a majority of the people on Tumblr are young and impressionable. Young and impressionable often leads to ridiculousness. I was ridiculous. I'm still kind of ridiculous. 

However, what about the ones who are in their 20s, spouting off bullshit about how you need to be educated about every single social justice thing, or else you should get stamped on the forehead with the 'problematic' label?

Victim complexes run wild on Tumblr. Probably even worse than the girls on Girls Gone Wild. And it's horrible. Not everyone is out to get you.

When people on Tumblr acts like the whole entire world is a big sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, etc. place, I just roll my eyes. Seriously, I'm gay and I think that only 5% of people really give a shit. And when they act when people don't give a shit about your race, gender, sexuality, or whatever, are really racist, sexist, and homophobic, I want to bash my head up against a wall. Many, many fucking times. I don't even think I can begin to explain how many times I want to to bash my head up against a wall when I see this shit.

I also hate when people on Tumblr purposefully look everywhere for things to pull back up from an eternity ago just so they have a 'reason'  to hate someone. It's really, really fucking obvious when they do it. For example, remember when Tumblr used to really love and adore Jennifer Lawrence? Then there were posts about how she wasn't special and she was actually this terrible, problematic woman who didn't deserve any of the success she had because there's other people out there who do it better than her.

Then they purposefully attack content creators who they deem 'problematic'. They go around inboxing other people telling them that they reblogged from a sexist and homophobic user and they should just delete whatever they reblogged because the 'sexist and homophobic' user could totally never have a point that you can agree with. Ever. 

I hope that the petty Tumblr users who run around starting drama with people they don't like under the guise of 'social justice' shove their kermit drinking tea .pngs up their asses. I'm serious.

It's not even social justice. It's just an immature way to try to get your way, and I feel bad for anyone who falls for it and has to apologize over and over again for something they did years and years ago.

go eat cheez-its and shut the fuck up

It's gotten to the point where I purposefully try to avoid Tumblr at all costs. It's gotten on my nerves so much that there's a large group of people who make the site so miserable for me and others. I mean, like I explained earlier, it's pretty much unavoidable at this point.