I Don't Have Sympathy


I Don't Have Sympathy

Warning: This is surprisingly my opinion, which was formed by my own personal life experiences.

No, I do not have sympathy for mass shooters. Fuck them. They're pathetic losers who don't deserve to breathe the same air as the innocent people they took. Fuck the people who want to package up their sob stories and post collages of their lives with hearts around the edges. Fuck the people who look at the victims and say they deserved it.

Yes, I will probably get some backlash from this post. But you know what? I don't care anymore. I really don't. Why? Because I could have been the victim.

I'm not going to tell my sad sob story, because I don't want sympathy. I don't want coddled and have people telling me I am a brave soul for reporting it. I feel like my reaction was totally normal.

But the perpetrator in my situation wasn't innocent. He sexually harassed me along with many other women. He would push teachers' buttons and tell them they've done nothing with their lives. He is a fucking loser, and don't tell me that your 'heroes' are any different.

'Bullied' is the word we as a society used for these people. I prefer 'low-life', personally.

You know why? Because 20 students at Sandy Hook were little kids who don't get to rush home to see their parents anymore. 13 people at Columbine didn't get to have a future. 49 people at Pulse didn't get to have a fun time at a nightclub.

Fuck the selfish pieces of shit that stole away lives. I hope there is a Hell so these people can burn in it.

People didn't get to see their children grow up because some fuckface decided that they needed to take his anger out on the world. There's people who are going to grow up without a father or a mother because some selfish shitbag couldn't move on from high school taunting.

There's this mentality that anything negative said about the killers in the Columbine massacre is automatically false. Anything the killers say has to be true, because they played God for a couple of hours. As much as I like the insight Brook Browns gave in his AMA, I still don't agree with people pushing the narrative that these people are victims. The second you take a life away is the second you lose the ability to say you're innocent or a victim.

No, you were not a victim of bullying. You believed your feelings were more important than other people.

Fuck, there's multiple reports (including stuff from the perpetuators themselves) of them bullying others!

 And for fuck's sake, I'm tired of seeing some ~dark edgy teen Tumblr~ talk about the survivors of Columbine and calling them blabbermouths. So let me get this straight, you think the survivors should respect them enough to keep their secrets? Despite putting them at risk?


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